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Mover Not Working

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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My mover has stopped working. I have attached my diagnostics into this thread. I have uninstalled Mover Tuning.


When I try to move files I'm met with the following: "emhttpd: shcmd (9106): /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null &" -- there is no movement after this line on the system log.


Sometimes when I stop the mover in the command line I'm getting the following message:

  • /usr/local/sbin/mover: line 102: kill: (18148) - No such process


I'm in the process of replacing my cache pool as well as my SAS cable as I was getting the following errors/warnings:

  • blk_update_request: I/O error
  • BTRFS info (device dm-19): read error corrected
  • No reference found at driver, assuming scmd(0x00000000de36383e) might have completed
  • sd 11:0:5:0: device reset: FAILED scmd(0x000000009844f7c0)
  • blk_update_request: critical target error, dev sdt, sector 1953269757 op 0x3:(DISCARD) flags 0x800 phys_seg 1 prio class 0
  • 2022/05/28 06:13:13 [error] 10318#10318: *1973802 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream


Thoughts on what might be causing this issue?


Any help is much appreciated!



Edited by TechTechTech
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Thanks for the quick response Jorge! I am unable to connect the SSDs to the SATA ports so I will work on updating the LSI firmware. Does the firmware look old to you? Dumb question, but what makes you think it has to do with the HBA?


Second question is this the firmware I'm looking for: https://docs.broadcom.com/docs/9305_16e_Pkg_P16.12_IT_FW_BIOS_for_MSDOS_Windows.zip


Or would it be this one: https://docs.broadcom.com/docs/9305_16i_Pkg_P16.12_IT_FW_BIOS_for_MSDOS_Windows.zip


My HBA is 9305-16i.



Edited by TechTechTech
Updated to add the 9305_16I link
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Another dumb question for you, how do I make the temporary folder in my ram? I tried using the command line, but I'm getting the following when trying to follow your other thread:

  • mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/lsi’: File exists


I also tried making a lsi folder in tmp using krusader, but when I try chmod +x sas3flash step I'm getting:

  • chmod: cannot access 'sas3flash': No such file or directory
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Thank you for the guide on how to flash LSI firmware! I was able to successfully flash the HBA and I am not seeing the same errors I was seeing before. I am currently running mover, and I have attached my diagnostics.


The mover is still running but turning on mover logging fills up my log (which caused me to need to reboot to clear out the log). I'm getting the following messages:

  • Jun  6 15:49:06 move: move_object: /mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/e/880e427ff2c9109a3f0b808fff11d7ad55855bc.bundle/Contents/Thumbnails/thumb3.jpg File exists
  • Jun  6 15:49:06 move: file: /mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/e/880e427ff2c9109a3f0b808fff11d7ad55855bc.bundle/Contents/GoP-0.xml
  • Jun  6 15:49:06 move: move_object: /mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/e/880e427ff2c9109a3f0b808fff11d7ad55855bc.bundle/Contents/GoP-0.xml File exists
  • Jun  6 15:49:06 move: file: /mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/e/00c7849238a7a8437764ddf3cdf38a1bc7ba383.bundle/Contents/Thumbnails/thumb1.jpg

So far nothing has moved from the cache to the array.



Edited by TechTechTech
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6 hours ago, TechTechTech said:
  • Jun  6 15:49:06 move: file: /mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/e/880e427ff2c9109a3f0b808fff11d7ad55855bc.bundle/Contents/GoP-0.xml
  • Jun  6 15:49:06 move: move_object: /mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/e/880e427ff2c9109a3f0b808fff11d7ad55855bc.bundle/Contents/GoP-0.xml File exists

This means that the file already exist on the destination. The mover will never overwrite an existing file.


You will have to determine what is the more recent file and delete the other one.

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Your appdata, domains, system shares are on the array. Best if these are on fast pool (cache) and set to stay there for better docker/VM performance and so array disks can spindown since these files are always open. After you get other shares moved from cache to make room, setting these to cache-prefer will let mover try to move them to cache, but nothing can move open files so you will have to disable Docker and VM Manager in Settings to get these moved. 

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Thanks for the response trurl! I ended up changing all shares outside of media and downloads to be cache only so that they'll only live on the cache. They were previously set that way but I was trying to make different changes (to no avail) to the cache settings to see if I could get the mover working.

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1 minute ago, TechTechTech said:

changing all shares outside of media and downloads to be cache only

Mover ignores cache-only shares so to get these moved to cache you have to make them cache-prefer,

8 minutes ago, trurl said:

but nothing can move open files so you will have to disable Docker and VM Manager in Settings to get these moved. 


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