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[Help] Smbpassed database corrupt

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hello All,


I am hoping to get some help. I noticed that my cache was filling up and is being written to along with some disks on the array (see pic below)



I checked the syslog and saw line below a lot;

build_sam_account: smbpasswd database is corrupt!  username root with uid 0 is not in unix passwd database!


Does anyone know how to fix this? I am submitting a copy of the log file. I only have a few dockers, radarr, sonarr, tdarr, emby, nginx, mariadb, nextcloud and cloudflare. I just checked and don't have Ftp enabled nor do I have telnet enabled.


I am submitting a copy of the diagnostics log file below. 


Thank you in advance.




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