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Unraid not using my 8gb of ram

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after unsuccessfully trying to use swapsapce i can´t get past the login anymore. Nothing exept my one VM Works anymore.

after searcing for Hours i found out that my rootfs drive/folder (i dont know i shuld call it) uses 3.4G out of 3.4G but it shuld use way more than that when i have 8G RAM. Can i increas the rootfs drive/folde to the normal 8G again somehow whitout wiping out my whole os ?


I have Removed the Swapspace and the Plugin via console.

I canot acces the mounted drives from another pc.






Unraid Login Kaputt..PNG

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If the entire RAM was made available for the rootfs there wouldn't be any for the system to use as actual RAM, so that wouldn't work.

rootfs shouldn't use more than around 1GB so you need to find what you've set up that fills it up. 

Given your swapfile comment it seems you may have put the swapfile somewhere in the rootfs instead of on a mount, essentially putting your swapfile in RAM... it probably wasn't deleted so check and delete it manually if it's still there. Or reboot since that'll recreate a new rootfs.

Edited by Kilrah
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Turns out the Plugin was still Instaled. When i tryed to grab the Unraid Logs from the USB stick i just took a look trough the files and i noticed that there is still this Plugin called "Swapfile for unRAID 6.9" installed. Deleted it and now my rootfs folder is now Magicaly empty. Thanks for all the Explanations whit rootfs and tmp really is.

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