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6.11.1 - Docker Image Filling Up

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Hi all,


My docker image keeps filling up, after I've gone through and checked all my docker mappings etc, I thought it was an issue with the binhex-crafty docker I have writing to a directory that doesn't exist but after fixing that it still keeps filling up. I'm not evening using tons of dockers either.


I've attached my diagnostics and if someone can point in the right direction, it'll be greatly appreciated!


Thanks, - Myles


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Hi Squid,


Thanks for your response.


This is what I see when clicking Container Size, this does still lead me to think that it's crafty that's causing the issues, but all paths are okay as far as I can work out, so can't figure out what's causing it to bloat so often. When I thought I fixed the issue, my docker image size went back down considerably, but it's been slowly filling up again and it's at 93% at present.




Thanks, - Myles

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