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Plex Migration

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Hi Guys


Apologies for posting this here, but I have just installed the official Plex Inc Plex docker and the support page for the app is 404 :(


Anyway... I have created a new Plex docker in favour of my old Plex VM (Ubuntu) as advised by @JonathanM & @kizer


So, its all working at them moment, but as I have multiple users, is there a way of migrating their watch history, so they will be able to know what films and series episodes they have watched?


Also, something I just realised as I am writing this, some of the directory mappings have changed names - e.g. Films (/mnt/movies) is now Movies (/data/Movies) on the new server... so, would I need to notify the system of this somehow?


Any help would be appreciated.



Edited by SliMat
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19 minutes ago, SliMat said:

the official Plex Inc Plex docker

Is not supported here as you found out.


Binhex has a version that is supported here.


As for path mappings, that's entirely controlled by the fields you edit when you set up the container. It would be easier to change those to match what you had before.


As for watch status, I'm not entirely sure of the best method, I'm not a plex user, (Emby FTW) so I can only parrot what I remember reading, and I think people have mentioned something called Trakt?

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59 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Is not supported here as you found out.


Binhex has a version that is supported here.


As for path mappings, that's entirely controlled by the fields you edit when you set up the container. It would be easier to change those to match what you had before.


As for watch status, I'm not entirely sure of the best method, I'm not a plex user, (Emby FTW) so I can only parrot what I remember reading, and I think people have mentioned something called Trakt?

Thanks @JonathanM

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  • Solution

Thanks @JonathanM @kizer @jmztaylor


Strangely, as far as I understand, I have added the new docker and pointed it to the same set of folders on my media store. So temporarily I have both servers live.


Unexpectedly last night I went to watch a series using the new server and it seems to have adopted the series viewing history from the old server - I dont know whether this is expected, but certainly I wasnt expecting this. I havent deleted the old Plex VM (yet), so dont know whether this history is now attached to the new server and will disappear when the old server is deleted - but it does look promising as on the new server we watched an episode of a series and on the new server it shows as played, but on the old server it shows as unwatched... so it looks as though both servers have their own viewing history - but somehow the new server adopted the history from the old server!


So, for me (hopefully) this problem is solved - even though I am not sure why/how.


However if this works for me then it may help someone in future trying to create a new server ;-)


Thanks all.

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I know at one time unless its still active Plex added a feature that would save your viewing in the cloud. I don't know if its for all users or just the main account. 

Maybe your experiencing the cloud watched status. I don't think I personally opted in for the cloud watched status, maybe you did?

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