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Blocked by BattlEye for [Virtual Machine]

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I've been playing Fornite for years on my Windows 10 VM without ever having issues. A couple days ago I started being blocked with the message below. The only recent change I made on the VM was to install DaVinci Resolve to do some video editing. I uninstalled all that but still being blocked. I have not tried creating a new VM yet (low on NVME disk space). Is anyone aware of a workaround for this issue?





You were removed from the match due to BattlEye error: Found a disallowed program running on machine, please disable [Virtual Machine] and reconnect.



Edited by WashingtonMatt
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And I'm being blocked again. Tried physical NIC passthrough with no luck. Not sure what they are looking at...


I also received this very helpful reply from support.


Hello dear player,
Thank you for contacting the Epic Games support, I'm Ninja StoxX, and I'll be happy to handle your issue,
We are very much sorry for the inconvenience you've been facing so far,
In this case we can't do much about the situation, we ask you to turn off the virtual machine in order for you to play the game,
Please reach back to us for further assistance,
Best regards,
Ninja StoxX


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No solution yet. I did find out that Fortnite uses two anti-cheat applications, Easy anti-cheat, and Battleye. Battleye is the problem. When you launch Fortnite, if the very first small splash screen has easy anti-cheat in the corner, then the game will work. If Battleye is active instead, you get booted.


I want to create a new Q35-7x VM, but I don't have the NVME disk space. Really hesitant to blow out my current primary VM since I don't think I can reactivate some older software any longer. 

Edited by WashingtonMatt
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  • 1 month later...

No solutions yet that I'm aware of. I've given up trying to workaround it. It's clearly above my pay grade.

I'm still having luck playing when Easy Anti-Cheat loads. When when Battleye loads, it seems to be a minimum of 24 hours before EAC has a chance at loading again.


If they keep it up, I might have to mow the lawn or something...

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A simple work around is to just leave the game open (once it launches with Easy Anti Cheat), and just don't close it. If you need to relaunch the game for whatever reason, first check with another computer or ask a friend about what anti-cheat is currently being used before doing it. This definitely sucks, but it is the only way to "bypass" battleye without risking a ban.

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Unfortunatly it seems Battleye is checking several things, and unfortunately some of these checks cannot be bypassed with a simple xml edit.

One has to build qemu from source (and maybe also ovmf), after changing some parts of the source code, and edit xml manually to change hdd names, usb names, cpuid, system bios data, motherboard manufacturer and timing checks, no other virtual devices, and also some windows registry keys.

Not simple at all, banning vms in this way is simply bullshit...such closed minds, why not understanding that vms are the future...they're saying that 90% of vms are used for cheating...if they have these statistics why not build an anti cheat that checks for regular vm use...

Having said that, even if you bypass all the checks and you are not getting banned you are breaking their tos.

Edited by ghost82
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  • 2 months later...

Well, looks like Fortnite on VM is completely done now. Easy Anti-Cheat is now blocking Virtual Machines as well. My kids can no longer play Roblox either. This worked so well for so long, so frustrating. No way in hell I'm building gaming rigs for the whole family. The future is in VM's anyway, these companies are going to have to face that fact eventually.


I've looked into virtual machine obfuscation a bit, and it's definitely not easy. If anyone comes across a good guide, please share.



Launch Error

Cannot run under Virtual Machine


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11 hours ago, WashingtonMatt said:

Well, looks like Fortnite on VM is completely done now. Easy Anti-Cheat is now blocking Virtual Machines as well. My kids can no longer play Roblox either. This worked so well for so long, so frustrating. No way in hell I'm building gaming rigs for the whole family. The future is in VM's anyway, these companies are going to have to face that fact eventually.


I've looked into virtual machine obfuscation a bit, and it's definitely not easy. If anyone comes across a good guide, please share.



For EAC I found this post/comment and that fixed that for me...for now at least.
For BE there isn't any easy solution. I just play bi-daily when anti-cheat swaps or I keep the game open in the background

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On 5/29/2023 at 3:08 AM, BurxGK said:

For EAC I found this post/comment and that fixed that for me...for now at least.
For BE there isn't any easy solution. I just play bi-daily when anti-cheat swaps or I keep the game open in the background

Thanks, with those changes I am able to play Fortnite again if EAC loads. Did not work for the new Roblox Hyperion anti-cheat.  

Finally got a great deal on some NVMe M.2 drives and upgraded my cache drives. Now I've got some space to build some testing VMs.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi There,


I'm a bit new to the forums, so apologises in advance.


Its been a while but I managed to find time to fire up PUBG on my Unraid Windows 10 VM to find Battle eye (and other anti cheats) are now blocking VMs!!


Has anyone found a workaround for this yet?









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  • 3 months later...

Hello everyone,


I tried today the following, with some hope. I did succeed in running PUBG with battle eye by installing hyper-v insinde the VM. But as mentionned by some, the performance drop is huge, can't play the game to 20 fps.

Any other adjustment in the xml conf did not hide the VM from battle eye, and it kick me out. Maybe someone else will have more luck.

As the last resort, I boot directly in Windows and not in Unraid to play this particular game. I was afraid of Windows losing it's licence, but it did not. Maybe after a few time going back and forth between native and VM we will see.

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