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Unassigned device issue

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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After 4 disks got fried by a faulty cable I was able to get the server back on line with almost all data recovered...

Now I have an issue with Unassigned Devices plugin...

Sorry if I cannot explain myself in the correct way. I tred already twice to mount an extra disk that I use only to keep my downloaded files with JDownloader and I do not want to be part of the array. As soon as is installed I have the same disk plus the last disk of the array popping up in the list of the Unassigned devices (see pics) and the array disk is disabled and content emulated...

I stopped the array and I started a data rebuilt that was succesfull. Once finisced I tried again to mount a disk for the downoads and... once again my array one is poppin as a unassigned device (Dev 1) again and is disabled... Once again rebuilt and so on

Why this is happening? How should I fix it?

Sorry for the stupid question but now I am scare to death to loose another disk or the data inside it!!!




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11 hours ago, gideva said:

4 disks got fried by a faulty cable

Did you try to reuse an incompatible modular PSU cable? There is no standard pinout for these and many people have made that mistake.


Some people have had success by replacing the circuit board on a fried drive with a circuit board from the same model.

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The problem with the cable was solved... unfortunately I trusted a custom cable that resulted poorly done (despite the price I paid for it!!!).

Now I would like to solve this problem with the Unassigned Device Plugin... Every time I try to install a HD with unassigned device disk 19 is disabled and appears in the list of the disks in Unassigned Device list togather with the other installed disk.

Seems UD has memorized disk 19 (I keep removing it from UD historical devices list) and try to mount it every time UD is used even if disk 19 is part of the array (I already had to do a data rebuilt 3 times for this reason...).

I do not know what is wrong or how I should fix the issue.

Any idea/suggestion?



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5 hours ago, dlandon said:

When UD detects a disk has dropped out of the array, it is marked "Array" on the mount button.  UD will not mount a disk in this condition.  If your drive has gotten corrupted, it would not be from UD.


Disk 19 is not staying connected.

If I do not install any disk with UD disk 19 is working fine and does not disconnect in any way... As soon I install a disk through UD disk 19 drop and actually is not marked Array on the mount button but is mountable... 

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Hi guys... sorry for the long time to replay but I was out for work... Seems that JorgeB had the good idea... it is only happening when I do a hot plug of the disk so I guess is a power drop that disconnect the disk... Is kind of weird because is happening only to that specific disk but if I install the disk with server off and than restart I do not have any issue.

Thanks once again for your fantastic help!

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