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***URGENT ASSISTANCE*** - Activated & Transferred wrong license!!

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Hi There,

I need **URGENT** assistance. I have TWO Unraid licenses - one is Plus and the other is Pro. My main Unraid server uses the Pro license. The Plus license has been unused for over a year once I upgraded and built a completely new server for the Pro license.
Last night I spun up and built another Unraid server to use the Plus license for a project I'm working on. As I needed a new flash GUID thing, I've accidently activated and transferred the wrong license.
So instead of activating the unused PLUS license on a new USB drive, I've activated and transferred the PRO license!!!!!!!!! This means I can't activate, reach or use my MAIN unraid SERVER! I need URGENT URGENT help please! This means that the current USB drive for the main server has now been blacklisted.
MAIN Unraid Server - PRO license now with a blacklisted USB drive
PROJECT Unraid Server - PLUS license

  • I need to transfer the server with the Pro license BACK down to the PLUS license
  • I need to REACTIVATE my MAIN server with the PRO license and REACTIVATE the USB drive it's currently using.


Edited by eliminatrix2
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  • eliminatrix2 changed the title to ***URGENT ASSISTANCE*** - Activated & Transferred wrong license!!
6 minutes ago, eliminatrix2 said:

I have!!! But they say it's a 1 business day+ response time and it's obviously the weekend. Apologies for my frustration but your comment isn't helpful.


I'm sorry you screwed up and don't view a helpful post showing one how to directly contact the company as being helpful. Maybe your view will change after you resolve your issue and are not feeling frustrated from your mistake.


Have a wonderful weekend.


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Kind of a trash attitude man, he's just pointing you in the direction you are likely to get a response from. While there are employees on the forums, and they do help, this isn't exactly a direct inbox. The form on the website on the other hand, is. I'm sure they'll get you sorted out, but it's probably going to require patience, and rectifying mistakes usually does. Accidents happen, no need to fly off the handle when someone is trying to be helpful.

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42 minutes ago, eliminatrix2 said:

REACTIVATE the USB drive it's currently using.

You can't do that. Once a drive has been blacklisted it's done.


What you can do, is transfer the entire content of the config folder WITHOUT the licence key file from one drive to another.


So... first things first. Make a backup of ALL the flash drives, taking notes on what went where.


Take the stick that has the currently valid pro license, and put the entire contents and the config folder from your main server on it minus the license key file, making sure to put the current pro license file back on it.

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11 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

You can't do that. Once a drive has been blacklisted it's done.


What you can do, is transfer the entire content of the config folder WITHOUT the licence key file from one drive to another.


So... first things first. Make a backup of ALL the flash drives, taking notes on what went where.


Take the stick that has the currently valid pro license, and put the entire contents and the config folder from your main server on it minus the license key file, making sure to put the current pro license file back on it.

That stick is currently running the first parity build / check. I'll wait for that to finish first. Should only be a couple of hours hopefully

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Just now, eliminatrix2 said:

Should only be a couple of hours hopefully

Depends on size of parity disk and speed of the rest of the drives / HBA involved.


If it's truly urgent to get your main server back on line you probably need to just cancel that and wait until support gets back to you on the plus license. A 16TB parity drive build could take a day or more.

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1 minute ago, JonathanM said:

Depends on size of parity disk and speed of the rest of the drives / HBA involved.


If it's truly urgent to get your main server back on line you probably need to just cancel that and wait until support gets back to you on the plus license. A 16TB parity drive build could take a day or more.

2 hours, 43 minutes. It's an old 8TB Seagate drive. It's been running since last night. I'm in Australia. I may as well let it finish.

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