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Restored containers seem to ignore template settings

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My cache drive with appdata on it died, so I installed a new one and then tried to recreate my dockers using "Previous Apps" from Community Applications. I'd done this before, so I didn't think it would be a big deal. Again as before, there was some manual work to be done with setting up some custom networks and the reverse proxy. This seemed more troublesome than before, so I might have messed up something here.


Bottom line is that a number of containers are acting as if they're brand new, although the template parameters seem fine. For example, Plex offers to set up a new Plex server; Calibre is essentially empty, and Nextcloud also offers to set up a new server. I suspect it's something to do with my custom networks and how I setup Letsencrypt/Swag, but I don't know what's wrong.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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7 hours ago, BRiT said:

You need to restore from backup your "appdata" as well. That is where all these dockers store their actual configuration files and databases and other required information. The "previous apps" is very limited information like the parameters and configuration of the docker run command.


I used "previous apps" because a) it had worked before and b) it was what was suggested by @Squid in the pinned guide at the top of this section. (Also seems to be a commonly suggested approach in my googling and some Youtube videos.)


I realise that the "previous apps" approach doesn't necessarily restore everything - some things have to be done with custom networks and reverse proxy configs. I don't think I have a very complex setup. The only network settings I have that are not "bridge" are a "proxynet" and "br0".


Take for example Plex. The paths to my media were exactly as they were before, but no media shows up and Plex offers to set up a new server. This is what the Plex container log shows:


**** Server is unclaimed, but no claim token has been set ****

#   Login via the webui at http://<ip>:32400/web    #
#   and restart the docker, because there was no    #
#      plex token found in the preference file      #


My suspicion is that the container can't reach the Plex (corporate) server, so it's not recognising my Plex media server.


6 hours ago, Squid said:
ca.cleanup.appdata.plg - 2022.10.21  (Up to date)

Running clean up appdata (if you have) effectively deletes the appdata for anything not installed, so if you did this for calibre (as an example), it would indeed be a new install.



All the restored apps were already installed apps.

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