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2 small issues with 6.12.rc-2

Go to solution Solved by Squid,

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No, I don't know where the script comes from.


Obviously it has something to do with a Dynamix plugin based on the file path, but I had uninstalled all Dynamix plugins and the thing was still there and writing errors to my log.  I have no idea where the script comes from or what the purpose is.  All I know is that I noticed the error in the log, Googled it, ended up in this thread and found a fix.

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2 hours ago, singularity098 said:

No, I don't know where the script comes from.


Obviously it has something to do with a Dynamix plugin based on the file path, but I had uninstalled all Dynamix plugins and the thing was still there and writing errors to my log.  I have no idea where the script comes from or what the purpose is.  All I know is that I noticed the error in the log, Googled it, ended up in this thread and found a fix.


The code being discussed in this thread is not stock Unraid. Something has completely overwritten this file: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor. I'm guessing that you added code to your /boot/config/go script but without diagnostics it is hard to tell. Please upload your diagnostics.zip (from Tools -> Diagnostics)

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3 hours ago, singularity098 said:

Ok, I've got you.  Sharing my diagnostics here.


So it looks like you followed a guide somewhere and added 27 lines of code to the config/go script on your flash drive. This code modifies two core Unraid fails:

  • /etc/rc.d/rc.docker
  • /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor

I strongly recommend removing all that and restoring your go script to stock:

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &

then rebooting. This will get you back into a supported configuration.


If you are unwilling to return to stock Unraid, you should find where you originally got the code and see if there is an updated version. Keep in mind that with every Unraid update there is a chance this code will break so you should bookmark the source and check it regularly for updates.   Modifying core Unraid files like this is highly discouraged, always be sure to upload your diagnostics when asking questions so the people helping you know up front about the mod. Any support questions about the mod or the files it modifies should be asked in the thread where you got the mod.

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this code comes from a script from this forum. Purpose is to move the everrunning docker logs to a ramdisk and sync it every few...(hours? days? dunno) to a "real" disk.


I cannot remember who brought it up, but it is quite old already.

The relevant full code is:

# Automatically backup Docker RAM-Disk
sed -i '/^<?PHP$/a \
if ( ! ((date("i") * date("H") * 60 + date("i")) % $sync_interval_minutes) && file_exists("/var/lib/docker/containers")) {\
  exec("mkdir /var/lib/docker_bind");\
  exec("mount --bind /var/lib/docker /var/lib/docker_bind");\
  exec("rsync -aH --delete /var/lib/docker/containers/ /var/lib/docker_bind/containers");\
  exec("umount /var/lib/docker_bind");\
  exec("rmdir /var/lib/docker_bind");\
}' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor

Basically it is creating a php page that hooks into emhttp's monitor script

The problem arises, when "go" is edited with a wrong editor and the ' and " quote signs are mixed or removed.


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12 minutes ago, MAM59 said:

I cannot remember who brought it up, but it is quite old already.


singularity098 appears to have a newer version, but everything I said above still applies. Modifying Unraid like this is strongly discouraged.

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