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In-use Docker XML Templates (for actively running containers)

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Hi guys


I know the templates live in: /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user


However any old templates also live in that folder and also old instance and attempts of by-gone years! How can i generate a list of currently live/used XML files? I was wondering if i could query the dockerman parser for a list of XML files that are actively being used right now, but being a parser assumed it's likely unaware of it's state.


There must be some info to query to get that list as the containers are obviously re-started ater reboot. Thought i'd ask the forum prior to putting something together to do this, but was hoping for an easier solution.


@Squid - Maybe one for you? :)

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@JonathanM @Squid


Hey Jonathan, yeah i know of the installed/previous option. However it dosn't quite work how i expected. 


For example, if i view the 'installed apps' and filter by 'docker' i have many 'duplicate entries' in that view, so i'm not sure whether that's a live view or displaying cached entries from somewhere else. nearly all but one of the duplicates are CA containers too. One is imported from dockerhub i believe. Furthermore, If i delete the one of the duplicate instances from 'installed apps' both dissapear, and then when i reinstall the container from 'previous apps' i end up back with 2 identical instances back in 'installed apps'. So i can't even fix it.


So as the view is currently polluted with stale entries i cant use it for what which is getting a list of running containers.

Is there an API call for grabbing all known running containers built into Unraid or should i just query and filter all this from the native docker engine commands?


Bonus points - Is there an unraid container building/compliancy guide on the forum that you know of that i can use to contribute containers to the community and have them display in CA?

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Yeah sure. Anything confidential in there though stored in the variables?


UPDATE: I've sorted it out now. There were a few dubious files that i've now removed, they may have been down to 2nd instances at some time or failed updates? Either way i had a load of xxx(1).xml files that i've deleted seems to have cleared up the 'installed apps' view nicely.



my-radarr(1).xml  <--deleted.



@squid - Is there any official documentation for creating containers from scratch using dockerfiles that you want accessible through CA docker apps? I've had to fudge my own XML file to pull down my container nicely... (This was after i noticed the issue with dupes in my 'installed app' view :) )


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Not so explicit.  You're basically just entering into the xml everything that would be listed in the docker run command if the container documents it.  Beyond that, I highly recommend to not create your own xml.  Just go to Docker and Add Container and then enter the info into the template.  Manually doing the XML is error prone.

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Thanks for the info - Yup already running the template authoring mode.


Trying to understand why some containers are available directly through the search in CA and other needs you to maually click on "view dockerhub"?


I thought this was the difference between 'compliant with unraid' and 'everything else on dockerhub'

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