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Where to go from here, stay with unraid or...?


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Finally got old drives and less old "new" CPU/mobo along with new SATA expansion board assembled into new rack case and new USB install.


Everything seems to boot fine, all drives are detected in bios and in unraid and it recognizes parity drive. Just waiting on an email for the replace key request to migrate license to new USB GUID before I can go further.

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OK, got the license key migrated to new USB. Array starts fine. I'll rerun a parity check.


I had some issues getting the new server visible under windows 10. That is sorted for the moment. Hopefully stays that way.


Now I need to figure out how to update all disk file systems to, I guess, XFS? I have 6TB total free space, and looking at how that's distributed I should be able to move a smaller drive to empty space, update it, and keep shuffling things around in that manner.  But... I have no idea how to move files from one physical disk to another? I saw a little about command line mv to do it. I'm not familiar with Linux at all, so a little nervous about not being able to see what I'm actually doing.


Are there easier or more intuitive tools to do this data moving?

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OK, I need some help. Maybe just a pointer to the "idiots guide to..." that I can't seem to find.


I'm pretty sure I installed the Dynamix File Manager plugin from the community apps. But I have no idea how to use it. Probably because, despite watching a couple of youtube videos on what Docker is, the whole Docker/Plugin/App/Container part(s) of unraid are entirely new to me and I don't have any idea where to start. Is there a good primer for plugins/containers/whatever? What I found in the documentation seems to assume you have some basic understanding of what these things are, or where to find the things discussed. I do not!


I thought maybe I could create new shares, one per disk, including only that disk and excluding the others, and move files over that way. Worked for the first two but not the next several... I think probably because they are like 98-99% full?

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39 minutes ago, neurorad said:

Is there a good primer for plugins/containers/whatever?

In addition to Spaceinvader One videos, there is a lot of good info in the Unraid manual now.  See Manual link in the bottom right corner of the Unraid GUI.  Here is a link directly to the Docker section.

Edited by Hoopster
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I'll search for the spaceinvader videos and watch those.


I downloaded the Dynamix app and install it. It shows up in the installed apps section. This part of the Unraid manual/documentation though:


"Typically, you will install a new docker by going to the Apps page and clicking the download icon on the listing for the docker. This takes you to the Add/Edit Container page, a form with many things already filled in. The Apps page (Community Applications) fills those in for you based on a template the docker author has provided."


I don't recall the add/edit container page but maybe I clicked through it?  But now when I try to add a container and select a template from the drop down, I have no templates. Should I uninstall and reinstall the dynamix app? Or is there something else I'm missing?


Edited by neurorad
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44 minutes ago, neurorad said:

I uninstalled and reinstalled to see... an install script ran and there was no add/edit container page or anything about a template. Confused.

Dynamix File Manager is a plugin, not a Docker container.  There is no edit page for this plugin.  There is nothing to edit/configure and no template associated with it.


Docker concepts do not apply to this plugin.


Both plugins and docker containers are installed from the Apps tab but they do not behave the same way.

Edited by Hoopster
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ok, finally some progress. my gui doesn't look like the dynamix manual I found on the forums, but I did finally locate one of the icons that accesses the file management functions. Moving my first test batch of files, if all is ok I'll start playing solitaire with my shares/disks and see if I can sequentially reformat with new file system.


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