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Moving Data off a drive to remove.

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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I got a new drive and my original intention was to replace it (16 TB for an 8TB) However I did it wrong and ended up adding the drive to the array.  Is there a way I can move the data off the 8TB to the 16 so I can remove it?  Main goal is to get everything to CMR drives to make things work a little smoother.  I will be getting another 16 TB at Christmas time.  


Merry Christmas!  Any Help would be greatly appreciated.  I must suck at putting in search terms here.

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I am sorry if I am understanding things incorrectly.  

I have emptied the drive, I would pull the drive out of the system, and then go to new config and apply and that will update everything to change the config to not having that drive any longer, but will not affect the data on the other drives.

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