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Unraid crash with LSI 9207-8i controller

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since i installed a LSI 9207-8i controller (https://www.benl.ebay.be/itm/133410498701) my server is crashing every few weeks. I can not reach it or ssh into it. If i connect a screen to the server i only see a black screen en it is not responding (GUI is activated). Only thing i can do is shut down with the powerbutton and restart it. After that it all works fine again for a while. 


The card should be in IT mode. I don't know what could be wrong with it...


Downloading a logfile is also not working because the server is not reachable. Or is there another way for it?

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  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

This controller is server-hardware and has a powerconsumtion of 9,8W - 16W (!).

Without cooling, it gets "very" hot - this is (maybe) the reason for you crashes...

Operating Temp: 55° (max.)

It needs an active cooling with 200 lfm (1m/s) or 30m³/hour.




Edited by Zonediver
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