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Terminal/Logs Popup Windows Instantly Closing

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[Attached diagnostics]



Hi Unraiders,


Today I noticed when I try to open a terminal window from the main unraid webUI, the pop up opens and then instantly closes in chrome/edge. In safari it opens and constantly stays in a "reconnecting" state. The other functions, including my dockers and shares appear to be working fine, but I need access to the logs and terminals to debug a separate issue I'm having. 


So far I've tried the following, but the issue persists:

  1. Tried in 3 separate browsers: chrome (normal & incognito), chromium edge, safari
  2. Disabled all ad blockers, and added my server URL (.local and ip) to in-browser pop-up blocking white lists.
  3. Tried closing all but one browser accessing the webui
  4. Shut down all VMs and Dockers
  5. Stopped the array
  6. Restarted the server
  7. Restarted the server in safe mode


I've seen a few other threads with a similar issue, but none have been any help:

  1. This thread suggests it may be an issue with pfsense/haproxy but I don't use either
  2. This thread suggests a rogue docker may be the issue.


I'm a new unraid pro user and would really appreciate any help with this strange issue! 




Edited by WobbleBobble2
Added additional debugging steps attempted.
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Oh no - this is back! And restarting my laptop isn't fixing it anymore. I just get this constant "reconnecting" message again (see below). 


I am able to use the terminal & logs fine with a different mac laptop though. Also I should add that this issue, whatever is causing it, also prevents me from connecting to VMs via VNC. I just get a "Failed to connect to server" error in VNC.


Also attached diagnostics although I imagine they won't be relevant since this is clearly a client side issue.


Lastly, one other thing I've tried is switching from my 10GBE ethernet wired connection to the router to wifi. I thought maybe there was some issue with the 10gbe connection, but wifi did not resolve the issue.







Edited by WobbleBobble2
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16 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Try clearing the browser cookies.

Thank you for helping here! Ok I tried the following but nothing worked:

1. Clearing cookies in chrome

2. Chrome incognito

3. Safari cleared cookies

4. Safari Private

5. Firefox cleared cookies

6. Firefox Private


I also disabled all my ad blockers and disabled any in-browser pop-up blocking / site protection I could find. But obviously if it were one of these issues, the problem wouldn't follow me across browsers. 


Here's the list of previous steps taken that were also unsuccessful:



So far I've tried the following, but the issue persists:

Tried in 3 separate browsers: chrome (normal & incognito), chromium edge, safari

Disabled all ad blockers, and added my server URL (.local and ip) to in-browser pop-up blocking white lists.

Tried closing all but one browser accessing the webui

Shut down all VMs and Dockers

Stopped the array

Restarted the server

Restarted the server in safe mode



Edited by WobbleBobble2
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  • 1 month later...

I think I've figured this issue out, or at least found the root cause.  

Check this thread out: 



Essentially there's a bug in the current version of unraid that hasn't been fixed yet where leaving tabs for your unraid server open for long periods of time fills up a memory reserve, which results in terminal tabs closing, lack of data on the processor on the main page, and probably other things.


Close all your tabs and restart your nginx instance with "/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart"


Hope this helps other people with this issue that also can't find a solution.  It took me a while since I couldn't open the logs to see the problem through the UI and had to find the syslog on the server.  /log/syslog in case you also didn't know.


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On 3/29/2024 at 2:51 PM, mandos said:

Close all your tabs and restart your nginx instance with "/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart"


I pasted this command into terminal but it seems NGINX failed to restart so I can no longer access the UI from browser. I'll do a reboot later when I've finished some tasks queued on the server.

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web browser updates have changed a few things that may make some things not work correctly.


you want to edit site permission and allow popups.

You also need 3rd party cookies enabled.


Sarfi, chrome and Mozilla have recently changed browser settings and I have experienced this on many website and issues at work.


I recommend the brave web browser, as you can click the brave icon and turn these options off for testing. Example:


If you are not able to use brave for unraid this its the service due to lack of free ram or a sign of hardware failure. I recommend running FCP plugin and scan for issues.


the terminal windows and vnc viewer are a part of the same program and either your client web browser is running out of ram or the client is freezing trying to use vnc.

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On 4/1/2024 at 1:55 PM, WobbleBobble2 said:

I pasted this command into terminal but it seems NGINX failed to restart so I can no longer access the UI from browser. I'll do a reboot later when I've finished some tasks queued on the server.

Ok after a reboot I can confirm the logs and terminal are working again! Will wait a few more days to confirm this solution works on an ongoing basis.



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On 4/1/2024 at 10:03 PM, bmartino1 said:

web browser updates have changed a few things that may make some things not work correctly.


you want to edit site permission and allow popups.

You also need 3rd party cookies enabled.


I had already done step 1, but not 3rd party cookies which I do generally disable in most browsers. In chrome i added an exception to allow 3rd party cookies for my server IP and .local address. But I'll also give Brave a try! I already have chrome edge safari firefox & opera, so one more can't hurt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I ran into a similar issue trying to reverse proxy to mine at unraid.myweirdoname.duckdns.org with DNS challenging and NGINX issuing a cert. Seems that part of the GUI trusted the cert chain, but not others. It manifested in docker update windows going blank, no listing of drives, and popups like Logs and Terminal window closing themselves. As soon as I accessed via IP or by the blahblah.myunraid.net it worked fine.


The issue isn't bothersome enough to troubleshoot yet, but I'll update if I get there.

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