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2 drives disabled & 2 drives unmountable

Go to solution Solved by vmax5000,

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Probably nothing we can do except New Config and rebuild parity. And parity sync will be a good test of how things are working. It will read all data disks but not change them. And write both parity disks, which will be OK since parity has none of your data.


That will mean no way to rebuild disk3 so whatever is on it is what you will have. If disk3 or any others are unmountable we can try to repair after parity sync.



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I rebooted and started the new config. Disk 3 is disabled and disk 2 is emulated. but I'm not seeing io errors now. Should I stop the system again? I really don't know why I am getting any errors, the drives all passed without error. The only thing I can do is shut down and move those drives back on to the mother board, should I do that, or just let things run for now?



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Hope you had a good sleep! I finally found out what my trouble was, I have a bad pc express slot and that's what was causing all of the trouble. I now have everything going the way it should, the parity drives are rebuilding. I will get you a new diag tomorrow, but I thought I would share a screenshot showing the good stuff!

Thanks again



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2 minutes ago, vmax5000 said:

hard to move everything to a new motherboard?

I have replaced my case once, everything else more than once. Some of my old hardware is in my backup server.


I even had to bring that backup server motherboard/cpu/RAM back to my main server temporarily while I waited on parts to rebuild my main server when its motherboard died. Here is the thread about that:



Every time I changed anything, drives and boot flash moved over to other hardware, booted up and running no problems.

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13 minutes ago, vmax5000 said:

lost & found

Looks like disks 2 and 3 have some.


You can click Compute... for a share on the User Shares page to see how much of each disk or pool is used by that share. Do that on lost+found and post screenshot.

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Your system share has files on the array. Ideally, appdata, domains, and system shares would have all files on fast pool with nothing on the array, so Dockers/VMs will perform better, and so array disks can spin down since these files are always open.


We can discuss what to do about that later.

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Ok, here is the screenshot of the compute


Yes, I find the shares and appdata part of unraid a bit hard to understand. I added the second pool to move plex from the main pool because everything was running at a snails pace, after moving plex everything started running much faster.



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