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Cannot Access


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Hi all and thank you in advance for your help.


I recently upgraded from 4.4 to 4.7 then from 4.7 to 5.0-beta14. I followed the upgrade tips and ran the "New Permissions" util after the upgrade.


All seems slick, but just ran into a security problem. I can no longer access any of the drives through Explorer from Win7 - I get the "Windows cannot access \\TOWER\Disk4\Movies" message (same error for other disks on my Tower as well).


I have (hopefully) attached a SysLog. What other details can I provide?


Very much appreciate any help! I have looked through the forum and Wiki, but can't seem to find the answer....


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Thanks for the heads-up. I ran memtest and it didn't report any errors.


Upon boot-up after memtest, my Tower started a Parity test automatically. It did not report any errors as well.


The unRaid Tower appears to be running great and I can see the files etc. through the GUI, I just cannot access it though Windows 7 explorer. Is there a Win7 network security setting that changed that would help?


I have run (or at least I think it ran) the New Permissions utility, but I am not certain of it (it seem to finish too quickly!).


I have attached a new SysLog and again appreciate any help!


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I had similar problems when converting over and the permissions utility did not seem to do it - I still got access denied in windows.


So I did a telnet from windows and  entered the command

chmod -R 777 /mnt/disk1/*

chmod -R 777 /mnt/disk2/*

chmod -R 777 /mnt/disk3/* 


etc - for each unraid drive


After that all worked fine  ;D



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I had similar problems when converting over and the permissions utility did not seem to do it - I still got access denied in windows.


So I did a telnet from windows and  entered the command

chmod -R 777 /mnt/disk1/*

chmod -R 777 /mnt/disk2/*

chmod -R 777 /mnt/disk3/* 


etc - for each unraid drive


After that all worked fine  ;D



This is not the proper way to go about it.


if you want the permissions to be corrected properly just use the newperms script that is included in the 5.0b's


you can see what it does by typing:

cat $(which newperms)


and you can run it on a single disk at a time by typing:

newperms /mnt/disk1

just change the "1" in the above to the next disk in line.

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OK - I will give that a try. Not sure why the NewPerms script didn't work for me (or apparently for JoeMan either)  :-\.

I have seen it happen if one of the disks is in read-only mode because of file system corruption.


Try running it one disk at a time and see what happens.  Report back if you have any problems.

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View my post under "User shares not accessible anymore" - see if it helps.  :)

The reason that works is because the user you were using to copy to the unRAID server before was probably the default one (root).  If that was the case then that user belongs to the root group.  All user you create from the web interface (no mater the name) belong to the nobody group.  Permissions work on a user AND group level.


so a file with owner root and group root would only be able to be accessed by the user root in the root group.


I created a user on my machine (admin) that became part of the nobody group.  That admin user can not access files created by the root user since it is in the root group.  If I create another user (bob) he would be part of the nobody group and could access the admin users file (since they are in the same group) but might not be able to write to them, bob may only have read access.

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE:  I just read on SABNZBD how to set permissions on downloads, so hopefully it solved it.  Not sure why this is a new issue. Thx.



This is not the proper way to go about it.


if you want the permissions to be corrected properly just use the newperms script that is included in the 5.0b's


you can see what it does by typing:

cat $(which newperms)


and you can run it on a single disk at a time by typing:

newperms /mnt/disk1

just change the "1" in the above to the next disk in line.



So, I was having the same issue, and followed this and everything seemed fine.  Now I am having a wierd issue, that hopefully someone can help with.  I have SABNZBD running on the server.  When I download stuff to my Television share, permissions work perfect.  When I download stuff to my Movies share, I cannot access the files.  I can access all my other files under the Movies share, except the new stuff.  I have even tried changing the Movies share to public, but it has the same issue.


The permissions show drwx for the new directories

All the other directories under movies show drwxrwx or drwxrwxrx

All Of the directories are Owner : nobody Group : users


I used advanced Chown in MC, and added rwx to Group and I can access the directory.


Does anyone know why this might be happening, and how I might go about fixing it?


I appreciate it,


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  • 4 weeks later...

**Edit** Ha, didn't see the above Brandon's edit, go figure. I had my permissions in SABnzbd set to 777. I changed it to 0777 so hopefully that does the trick.

Weird, maybe it is a thing with "Brandons", as I am having the *exact* same issue. The new permissions button doesn't and hasn't ever worked for me either.


I can access the files fine through my main Windows 7 PC (that's the one that does sets up most of the downloads) and my XBMC machines (two XBMC Live Dharma, one Apple TV with XBMC Eden), but my other Windows 7 machines have issues when new media or data gets added.

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  • 1 month later...

I upgraded from 4.7 top 5.0rc1, followed the instructions including the new permissions from the webgui. I encountered the error where my UnRaid user shares and disks were visible in my Windows 7 explorer, however couldn't be accessed (i.e. clicking on a drive/share resulted in a can't access error).


After rebooting my Windows 7 machine, I was able to access. I assume this was something to do with having accessed the UnRaid 4.7 shares/drives, upgraded to 5.0rc1, attempting to access 5.0rc1 shares/drives without any reboot of my Windows 7 client machine inbetween.


May be worth adding the reboot instructions for the client machine into the upgrade instructions?



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