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Couple hardware questions re unRAID 3.0


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How did you end up with a missing faceplate? Lose it? Mine has a full set of faceplates with the switches left in place. The one faceplate at the top has a hole for a floppy drive, I have a USB extension cable plugged into the front of the system, tucked into this 3.5floppy hole, and the USB flash setting there LED pointed out. This keeps the USB drive safe from being bumped by the dogs :-) Airflow is fine...

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What speed CPU did you use on your P5PE-VM?


Newegg.com is selling the retail Intel Celeron 2.66GHz 64 bit CPU (LGA 775) for $48 with free shipping.


Also, what brand and RAM speed?


I have two 256MB sticks of Kingston DDR400/3200 (3-3-3) RAM from another motherboard. The Asus website says they will work with the P5PE-VM motherboard.






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I got mine up and running last night with the P5PE-VM using a Celeron 3.0GHz, 2 x 256Mb PC2100 sticks that I had lying around.  If I understand it correctly, if you use a 3.0GHz CPU, the FSB will be running at 533MHz and so matched memory is PC2100 and anything faster would be wasted?  The 3.0 was about the slowest/cheapest CPU I could find from the same place as I got the Motherboard from at about GBP40 / USD72.  I could have got a slightly cheaper, slower CPU elsewhere, but not by much but it would have ended up being more expensive 'cos I'd have had to pay shipping twice...




Matt :)

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Honesly I'm going to go with a faster than specc'd CPU myself just becasue they are cheap enough and the added performance sure can't hurt. Monitoring TOP I have seen some spikes in CPU usage that didn't max out the CPU but were still higher than I was wanting so a faster CPU for the next array will make me happier. A speed comparison might be interesting for funsies but with the different motherboards I'm not sure it will be worthwhile...

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I'm not seeing spikes as high as 100% but I've seen them up to say 80% - mind you that was also with the previous software release. I did see where it looked like memory was low too at one point (I run 1Gig) but that didn't seem possible since many run only 512meg so TOP is a bit suspect IMO.


Anyway, I'll take a 3Gig Celeron for less than $100 for this vs one that is say $40 and not break a sweat. figure I've got $1200+ worth of drives in my existing system so what's another $40 over the long term? <shrug>

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Sure :)  If you're not even seeing 100% CPU then it's a waste of money changing the CPU as the current one isn't even being used to it's capacity, that's all I was saying.  If you need another one anyway, sure, just get whatever's cheapest - I don't think you can buy anything slower than 2.66 now anyway?


Matt :)

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Sure :)  If you're not even seeing 100% CPU then it's a waste of money changing the CPU as the current one isn't even being used to it's capacity, that's all I was saying.  If you need another one anyway, sure, just get whatever's cheapest - I don't think you can buy anything slower than 2.66 now anyway?


Matt :)


Sure, if nothing changes in the future like say my adding additional daemons, if my observations for the short periods of time I did them are demonstrative of overall performance then yeah a faster CPU might not be warranted. However the price difference is miniscule and I'm not replacing an existing CPU I'm uprating the CPU I put in my next array. To me it's worth it and will cover any chance in my mind that CPU might be an issue. Note that I've not run TOP while the parity is building, while a drive is in failover, and actually haven't run it with the full complement of 12 drives although that shouldn't make a difference. Think of it as $30 worth of insurance and pretty cheap at that. YMMV

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Mutant Matt; TCIII; Tom@Lime-Technology; Others:


Sorry guys/gals, looks like I dropped the ball :-[, my apologies to all re: my suggestions and success with the ASUS P5PE-VM. 


I've had no problems since finally getting it up and running, my first board may have been bad, though when the 2nd had similar problems, I began to suspect the chip (3.6GHz P4) and finally verified that problem by taking apart one of my other machines (ouch)!  Since then, I've gotten a Celeron D 346 (3.06 GHz) and it has run w/std fan w/o a problem.  Someone asked about the memory I used, I had a couple of sticks (256MB Samsungs ??) that I stuck in board and haven't looked back.  If you want the actual model/serial #'s or Series, let me know and I will pull them out and PM or Post a reply.


I ordered 2 Corsair 512K USB Flash units from NewEgg but haven't gotten the code key from Tom yet (possible problem w/unique identifiers that we are trying to determine).  If anyone else picked these up (again NewEgg @ ~ 12) you might check the id's w/Tom as we haven't yet gotten a response from Corsair.  They do generate an GUID but whether its unique is the question that Tom's concerned about.


I'm presently running 6 drives (3 in drive cage).  I purchased the Thermaltake one (had prob finding the Cooler Master Cages and it is just fine.  I didn't use the "BIG" Stacker Case, rather the smaller CM Centurion CAC 5 which has 3 preset 3.5 + 2 designed for Floppy/? and 5 x 5.25 bays.  I bought special trays, but found they don't really work with CoolerMaster boxes, the inside locking mechanism just doesn't leave quite enough room.  The Thermaltake 3 x 3 w/120mm Fan works well and as I only needed 6 - 8 drives, this was not a problem.  Also I'm using a Thermaltake 420 Silent Power PSupply w/o problems.  For those interested, temps for my setup are running 19-31 degrees at full spin on all drives (current config for past 5 days, just to check out w/box essentially sealed (front is open anyway).  Again for those who don't need all the drive bays, I kept the power button but PS has its own on/off.


I'll update the Thread per Tom's question re: Corsair's and Beta 3 V? as soon as I get a key.


Again sorry for not responding sooner.  As we get these different boards up and running, it would be good to begin to tabulate which ones seem to work reasonably well especially with Tom branching into new "waters"!  Anybody have experience with AMD boards?


Thanks for comments, hope this helps!


Dave  ::)

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What kind of drives are you using? - i.e. ATA or SATA?

If SATA are any of your drives connected directly to the M/Board?


Thanks for you reply!


Hi Roscoe62 -  all PATA Drives - Parity 500GB Seagate; 300GB Maxtor; 2x250 WDig; 2x160 Seagates and another 160 Maxtor in reserve.  I purchased all my drives over time (specials w/rebates etc.) before I built UnRaid.  Got latest 500GB Seagate from OutPost on "super special ~ 180".  I just saw a 750 for 399 can't remember where (sorry) but SATA/PATA are all out there in the 30-50 cent/GB range.


Hey Tom or anyone, Norco has a 12 Drive E-SATA (w/trays) in RackMount config.  No MB in box but could it work (comes with their 4-port E-SATA PCI Card)?  There has been lots of talk about a RackMount Version, this might offer an option to couple an UnRaid with a separate SFF computer & avoid the PowerSupply/Ventilation/Wiring deal - Tom just a thought.  See Link Below:




Dave  :-\


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