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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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I posted an update to my post above with some digging into permissions I did, I am not expet just kind of checked what it said and noticed the correlation between ones that were seen in there and ones that were not when I added a folder that had a bunch of movies. 


Here is the update:

I was playing around a bit and I added another folder that had movies, and I noticed that it added the movies, so I went in with ssh into unraid and looked at permissions because I noticed from that folder that it added movies, some were not added.  Here is what I found:

Older movies in that folder with drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users is seen in manage

Newer ones in that same folder with drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  are NOT seen in the manage folder.  This is strange to me because this is how they are put in the folder by CP itself, since all the ones referenced have been downloaded through the same means, CP sends to Sab and Sab puts in a folder (CP New) that CP scans and puts into another folder called CP Movies, I have never manually tweaked or modified any permissions so I am not sure how this could be fixed? 

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Couchpotato settings > General, check the box that says "Show advanced settings", change "Folder CHMOD" and "File CHMOD" to 765 or 775, if you want to eliminate any possible permission issue and aren't worried about security(personally I'm not with movies), you can set it as 777. Unraids user shares pretty much take care of that anyway.

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Ok, here's what I've found. Apparently it was an illegal character, although I'm not sure how unless it was just written weirdly. This is how I found it.


I had one directory that would show up as " no movies in this folder", it was my HD Movies share. This share is spread across 4 disks, we'll say disk 1 - disk 4.


What I did was I tried adding each disk share individually, so:

/mnt/disk1/HD Movies/

/mnt/disk2/HD Movies/

/mnt/disk3/HD Movies/

/mnt/disk4/HD Movies/


In Couchpotato, each one it showed the movies located in the directory until I got to disk 4, then I got the "no movies in this folder". So I knew it was something with disk 4. I went through and movied batches of movies from that directory to a temporary directory, like so:

/mnt/disk4/HD Movies/A********    moved to /mnt/disk4/test/


I did this for A-D, then E-H, I-M, etc. After each batch I'd try adding the share again to CP until CP found the movies. Then I moved a few from /test/ back to /HD Movies/, again testing after movies each set, until I got "no movies in this folder" again. Then I moved the last set one by one back out, testing each time.


What I found was a movie I have named "The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It". I noticed in Midnight Commander that it appeared as "The 41ãYearãOld", which is MC's way of saying "illegal character". So I renamed it replacing the hyphens with spaces, tried adding the directory to CP again, and everything showed up.


I also would like to note again that after removing the hyphens I re-added them and it worked fine, so it must have been how it was renamed, not really sure why.

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The Folder I am having trouble with only has 16 folders (Movies) so i went through each one and did not find any illegal characters, I am no pro so maybe you know of a better way for me to search for them, but I saw nothing funky.  The only thing that there is in some folder and file names is a comma "," in the names, not sure if that would do it? 


I also did a chmod to even 777 on that CP Movies and all the movie folders and files with no luck.  Right now even when I hit the green button on CP for it to search the folder it does nothing.  The "Hit me, but not too hard" button.  I even then went and made the CP Movies folder 775 to see if it would do anything and nada..


Here is a log i had done after clearing the log and hitting the green button, it obviously saw some folders and then still did not reflect anything.


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Ok, so it cannot get the quality, which is why it is ignoring?  When I add another folder that has a bunch more movies "HD Movies" it does succesfully add some, and some are not on the list, the only difference I saw was the permissions, but that turned out to not be a solution for the small sampling in this folder.  So is it perhaps something I can do so it can see the quality, or was this something you saw from the logs?


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What happens is cp looks for the quality in the name, if thats not present it parses file size, codec info, etc. For some reason its not parsing yours. If you have cache dirs running you could try turning it off and manually spinning up your drives to make sure cp is accessing the file and that the disk is spun up so nothing times out.

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I do have cache drive, and the disks are spun up now with same results, plus I have had cache drive before when it was somehow working.  I have posted in the forum here: https://couchpota.to/forum/thread-1379-post-6215.html#pid6215  hopefully that will make sense to them, otherwise I am not sure if I should or could configure CP to write the quality in the filename?  Would this be something that would be beneficial or is it likely to cause more headaches in XBMC?  I dont think I have ever had the quality in the filename before actually.

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Greetings and thank you for providing these plugins and suppport that goes with them.


I've just set up a new unraid server (my 3rd), running rc11.  downloaded the plugins from your github, and installed them one at a time.  Couchpotato looks like it installed fine, but I cannot access the web interface.


I have sab running on 8081, sb on 8082, and I told cp to run on 8083.  Says it's running, but when I try to access is by IP or by hostname, I just get "internet explorer can not display the webpage".  Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?


Thank you,

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Hi Guys, just installed Transmission and its in my settings.


Now before I start it, it says data folder is /usr/local/transmission ? what does this default directory default/refer to?


Should I specify a directory on one of my disks instead? is this directory going to fill up my 8gb flash drive with one torrent?


Sorry if this is a noobish question but I would rather be safe than sorry, Im new here and appreciate your help.



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I received a response from Clinton at CP forums regarding the theory about the quality and this is what he said:


I disagree... The logs clearly show that it could not identify quality... but it does NOT ignore the files.


Could not identify quality for: ['/mnt/user/Media/CP Movies/xxxxxx (2012)/xxxxxxx.avi (this is where it looks for quality info in the name... which there is none)

Grouping files: xxxxxx 2012

Getting metadata for xxxxxx 2012 (this is actually where it accesses the file to get the video resolution etc to determine the quality)

Found movie via nfo file: /mnt/user/Media/CP Movies/xxxxxx (2012)/xxxxxx.nfo

Changing status for xxxxxx


The manage scan works... it adds the movies... the issue sounds more like a display in the web interface... (which was a known issues for 1 version of CouchPotato)


Have you tired uninstalling CouchPotato and installing the latest version fresh?


If that doesn't work, you could try an older version (2.0.4)...


Do you recommend that I attempt to remove any file? (perhaps anything like that runner.pyc or whatever file or files and then re-install, so long as I do not lose my settings/database?



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Trying to install transmission on a clean server (unraid 5.0rc11) - getting the following error :


file /boot/packages/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz: downloading from http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware-13.37/libraries/libevent/2.0.11/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz ... 2013-02-04 10:11:01 URL:http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware-13.37/libraries/libevent/2.0.11/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz [51/51] -> "/boot/packages/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz" [1]

bad MD5, deleting


any help ?

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The default directory is in ram. You should specify an on disk directory.


Will it work, if the directory is in ram, what are the disadvantages?



You have 8GB of RAM.  Assuming you can use it all as ramdisk, if you download three 4Gig movies, your server runs out of memory and you crash somewhere in the middle of the third one.  (I'd call that a disadvantage)
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Trying to install transmission on a clean server (unraid 5.0rc11) - getting the following error :


file /boot/packages/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz: downloading from http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware-13.37/libraries/libevent/2.0.11/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz ... 2013-02-04 10:11:01 URL:http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware-13.37/libraries/libevent/2.0.11/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz [51/51] -> "/boot/packages/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz" [1]

bad MD5, deleting


any help ?


n.m. - changed the .plg to point to http://slackware.org.uk/slacky/slackware-13.37/libraries/libevent/2.0.11/libevent-2.0.11-i486-1sl.txz instead - works fine now

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The default directory is in ram. You should specify an on disk directory.


Will it work, if the directory is in ram, what are the disadvantages?



You have 8GB of RAM.  Assuming you can use it all as ramdisk, if you download three 4Gig movies, your server runs out of memory and you crash somewhere in the middle of the third one.  (I'd call that a disadvantage)


Where do you guys install your plugins data directory? On one of the array disks or cache drive? If cache, wouldnt the mover ruin the incomplete files?



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I'll update transmission for the new version, looks like someone is updating packages for slackware.


I install data directories to the cache drive. You can make a share, I name mine apps, and set it as cache only. The mover will ignore it.


As for couchpotato not updating(sorry I misinterpreted the log) if your data and install directories are different you can delete the entire install directory and reinstall. Only if they are separate.


If not set the plugin to use a new install directory.

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Hi influencer, I just want to start by saying I've been using your plugins for a while and love em...thank you!


I recently upgraded the CP plugin to 2.3.6 and ever since then it's not working. I hit start, it says its running but if I try to access it through my browser, it doesn't work. Also, when I refresh refresh the plugin page, the status is changed to stopped. I've also tried downgrading to see if that helps but no luck.


I attached my error log file...any ideas?


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