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How do you pack 4U unRaid server for cross country move?


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I'm moving and hope to minimize any issues with my unRaid server. I have a 4U case mostly full at the point. I was thinking of getting a bulk hard drive shipping container for the drives and packing the server in it's original shipping box. Server will sit in storage for a month or 2. Leaving the drives in the server makes it way heavy.


Any advice? Anything I should not do?



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You've got the right idea ==> pack the drives independently (preferably in a drive shipping container);  and pack up the server in a solid box with good padding [if you have the original box, that's excellent].


Although v5 retains drive info so you can theoretically move all the drives to different slots; I'd nevertheless record what drive goes in which slot and restore them all the same way when you set it all back up  :)

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I moved my server recently, other forum members suggested that I leave the drives in the case http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=25821.msg225292#msg225292 with the case on the side and the MB facing up. My case is also quite heavy with the drives but this seemed to work ok.


That's fine IF YOU are actually doing the move ... i.e. setting it in your backseat or in your trunk, and it's not being handled by movers and/or jostled around in a packed moving trucik.  But if it's being shipped, that's a different story -- and requires a lot better packaging for the move.


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I moved my server recently, other forum members suggested that I leave the drives in the case http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=25821.msg225292#msg225292 with the case on the side and the MB facing up. My case is also quite heavy with the drives but this seemed to work ok.


That's fine IF YOU are actually doing the move ... i.e. setting it in your backseat or in your trunk...

That is the only way - back seat or passenger seat - I would move my PCs even if I had to make multiple trips - assuming I don't have to fly to get there anyway.  But that is just me.
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]That is the only way - back seat or passenger seat - I would move my PCs even if I had to make multiple trips - assuming I don't have to fly to get there anyway.  But that is just me.


Me too.    But it's not always possible (e.g. overseas moves), and perhaps not practicable [back seat may be occupied by other things -- like children !!].    But unless the extra trips were thousands of miles, I'd definitely move my technology "stuff" by myself  :)

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My company has no problem packing entire racks, drives and all, and shipping them cross-country.  When I move in a few years, I plan on doing the same. Just locking my half-racks, then wheeling them into the moving van.




But if the handlers are going to have a hard time with the weight, best to lighten it. Doesn't indicate if he is shipping it, or some van service.

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I moved 1700 miles in Jan this year, packed the case into its original box with drives installed, put it into my van with all my other pc gear, plasma tv etc, and hit the road for 3 days of driving. Arrived, unpacked, quick check inside the case to make sure everything was where it should be, plugged it in and off I went, no issues.

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I moved 1700 miles in Jan this year, packed the case into its original box with drives installed, put it into my van with all my other pc gear, plasma tv etc, and hit the road for 3 days of driving. Arrived, unpacked, quick check inside the case to make sure everything was where it should be, plugged it in and off I went, no issues.


Another good "move it yourself" example ... well packed, and not "handled and jostled" by movers.    And keeping the original boxes always makes moving a lot easier.


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