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Testing UNRAID 6 Beta8 - Running in Parallels Desktop


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Hi all,


I am still on 5.0.5 on my server but decided to get involved with UNRAID 6, to learn and experiment before committing to the upgrade.

I got it running on Parallels desktop, but to my surprise webgui was not started, and I could not find any emhttp process either.

If I start emhttp manually webgui does work, but I assume this is not normal, could it be due to my virtual environment?


Also, if anybody could point me to the main documentation for UNRAID 6 (other than release notes) hi lighting features and changes, that would be much appreciated. I could not find the original announcement and I am a bit lost as to what I need to be aware of. The release notes are very light and I have already learned that the license key location has changed, I can't seem to find a GO script anymore,... 



Many thanks!

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Also, if anybody could point me to the main documentation for UNRAID 6 (other than release notes) hi lighting features and changes, that would be much appreciated. I could not find the original announcement and I am a bit lost as to what I need to be aware of.

Existing functionality is largely carried forward so existing documentation still applies.  The main thing in this area is that any plugins must now be 64-bit compatible.


The release notes are very light and I have already learned that the license key location has changed, I can't seem to find a GO script anymore,... 

The location has not changed - it is just that the correct location is now being enforced!  This IS mentioned in the release notes.


The Roadmap section of the forum has line items for each of the new features being introduced in v6.  It does not describe how they work, but at least gives you a heads up on what to look for in the forum.


For the major new features there are posts made by the Limetech team in the relevant forum sections describing how they work. At the moment other than the release notes the forum is the only real source of information  Full documentation is not yet there, and I am guessing will not appear until we have reached at least the release Candidate stage.


If you do not have a go script, then that would explain why emhttp is not being started.    However a go script IS included in the standard download so if you have not got one then you cannot have all the files from the beta 8 download.


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Thanks for that. Looking at my USB key it does have the GO script, but somehow /boot/config in UNRAID under Parallels Desktop is not showing anything but the ssh folder. Looks like a problem running UNRAID in Parallels then...


Could very well be. Other users have reported struggles running unRAID as a VM from time to time and we do not support that officially.  We do not prevent it and even include some kernel drivers for it in support of it, but it is not something we test for during releases.


As we upgrade the unRAID Server OS (both software stack and kernel), functionality like this that isn't officially supported may break from time to time, or simply require some small tweaks to your configuration to adjust for the changes we've made.

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Thanks for the feedback jonp, it looks like it might well be the make_bootable script that makes the USB key fragile in Parallels. Very weird, never issues with Parallels booting USB before, an ISO would be a better distribution package IMO

Anyway, the key has no problem on bare metal, so decided to do my testing there.

I was very surprised when I quickly added some disks I had used in the past on V5, I added 3 disk to a my new array and formatted BTRFS, forgetting about the pre-clearing, and it formatted them with no issue in 10 mins and is working very well since yesterday. I thought without pre-clearing, formatting would take as long as the pre-clear script (more than 15 hours I guess), so what could have happened? I have used those disks on EXT3 & 4 on linux servers since their days in V5, could they have kept the pre-clear info somehow? And I am pretty sure one of them never saw an UNRAID Server before either, a bit weird but then again I am not versed into the magic of pre-clearing, I just always (usually!) do it

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Is that correct? I had no parity as it was a new setup, but I do recall the guides telling to pre-clear even in a new setup though

The guides do recommend preclearing any new drive in order to test the drive. You don't want to add a bad drive to the array, and preclearing can help discover problems.


unRAID only requires a drive be clear when adding it to an array with parity. This is so the added drive will match parity. Otherwise a parity rebuild would be required, leaving the array temporarily unprotected.


In the case of adding drives to an array with parity, if it is not precleared,  then unRAID will clear it for you before it will let you format it. While it is clearing the drive, it takes the array offline. This period with the array offline is what preclearing was designed to avoid.

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