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McMyAdmin Docker (Minecraft Server Admin)


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Pretty simple.. or so I think it is...  I'm not very Docker savy but I did run across this docker that I would like to use in unraid.




Is there a way to 'port' this to work with Unraids docker implementation?


EDIT:  Changed Subject - Now that I know how things work... I just need to change the run line a little and things are working like a champ.


docker run -d --name mcmyadmin -p 8080:8080 -p 25565:25565 -v /mnt/cache/apps/.minecraft:/MCMA2_Linux_x86_64:rw jchaney/mcmyadmin


So to get this working I created a .mincraft folder on my cache drive as you can see, went to the command line and ran "docker pull jchaney/mcmyadmin " to get the docker and then ran the above code an smooth as silk.


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I just installed this docker and it runs with no problem on my unraid system


yeah, I mean if I ssh to my tower and run the command 'docker pull jchaney/mcmyadmin'  it does do all the install stuff and i see it show up under docker images. but being the complete noob that i am with this, from the unraid gui I wasn't able to start/stop the this image.  Also as expected not able to configure it's folders or ports that I'd want it to use.


Ultimately this would be for a friend of mine who is even less capable with command line  ;D

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  • 4 months later...

Can you get to the Web UI for the mcMyAdmin?


I did what you outlined in the OP, but I have no clue if it is working. In the Docker log for McMyAdmin I see:

Notice	: McMyAdmin has started and is ready for use.
Notice	: This is the first time McMyAdmin has been started.
Notice	: You must complete the first-start wizard via the web interface.

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To get it going make a directory on your cache drive . e.g.. /mnt/cache/docker/appdata/mcmyadmin


Then goto the docker tab and click "Add Container"


Click on the Advanced tab on the top right of the docker field.


Fill in the following editing to your setup.


Click on "Create"


Access web at http://localhost:8080 (may have to use your server name or IP instead)


username and password for initial setup is : admin/pass123





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Thank you, Thank You! I got it up and running!


I have an issue with it though. It will not let me change the default password. Each time I try it tells me "The value you specified as the existing password is incorrect. Please try again." A quick Google search revealed there was a bug causing this. The WebUI also tells me there is an update to McMyAdmin Is it possible to upgrade to this version? Maybe it'll fix my password issue. I am new to Docker, so I am not to savvy yet on figuring out how to update the things within the docker containers.


I also noticed nothing is going in the folder I set for mcmyadmin. I set /config to /mnt/cache/appdata/mcmyadmin. Looking in that folder shows it is empty. Where are the Minecraft files going?

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Did you use the extra settings to set password. Look at the variables available on the docker page listed in the first post.  I haven't tried this myself as I am in the middle of a parity check. I also need to change my port for unRAID web as it is set to 8080 currently and needed for this docker.


Maybe change the port mapping to /MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 instead of /config and see if files get saved there.


I have a minecraft server setup already without a web using a docker.



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When I use the extra settings, it will not load the docker. I get errors.


I remapped the ports in the docker settings so the dashboard doesn't use 8080.


I'll try the path mapping and see what happens.


Still no luck. I still don't see any files, and the password will not let me change it. Sigh...I'll dig into it more again later tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been running the same docker myself, however my son keeps crashing the server with worldedit and there's no way im giving him root access to the server to restart it, hence really need a webgui for the server

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just had a good look at that working script, I've noticed the only command thats missing from the MCMYADMIN script is the copy command, gonna try a bit more messing around now with the copy command and see if I get a solution

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I scraped the entire thing, managed to get mineos by yujiod running instead, been running smooth now for the last couple of hours, any issues, it can be restarted by the web gui :)


if you want to give it a shot, here is my settings, user name to login the webui is 'minecraft'


all my files can be edited from the path I set :)





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  • 2 weeks later...


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