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unRAID Server Release 6.0-beta12-x86_64 marked a drive missing and another drive


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I can see disk13 in /mnt it's going crazy....


EDIT:  Copying content from /mnt/disk13 to /mnt/disk12 because it shows missing but the drive IS there and I can see it's content.  Any way of fixing this?

Seeing the contents of a missing drive is not unusual, because unRAID can simulate those contents the same way it can rebuild those contents, by using the parity disk with all of the other good drives. Just because you can see and even copy the contents does not mean the disk is there. If unRAID says it is missing then it is, probably because it is disconnected in some way or possibly dead.


In addition to the syslog requested, a screenshot might also be helpful.


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Yeah, mved drive (I have 5 Icy Docks 5 drive in 3 bay adapters and using SuperMicro 8 channel adapters) and after that my disk 19 comes online all the time and disk 13 shows missing.  I get msgs that it cant access logical something blah blah... So RMA'd the drive.  :-)

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Many perfectly good drives have been RMA'd when they could not be accessed.  There are a number of reasons a drive cannot be accessed, but you HAVE to examine the syslog to know the real reason.  It's often not the fault of the drive itself.  Please see The Analysis of Drive Issues.


Yes, I am aware.  I tested it by plugging in a spare drive, saw it right away.  Tried drive 13, no post on unRAID.  Drive is already packaged and waiting on UPS to pick it up.

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