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Replace two old drives with two new ones in one step


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I read a lot about the topic but to double check, please verify the following procedure. I have an array of 11 drives. Two 1,5 GB drives are really old and smart warings occured lately. I copied all the data of these two drives two an empty 3 TB drive inside the array. So today I bought two new 4TB replacment drives. I'm running on UnRaid 6b14. This is my plan:


1. Shutdown the array and physically replace the two 1,5 TB drives with the two 4 TB drives

2. Powering up the server and do a preclear on the two new drives

3. Under tools in the web front end use the option new config (additionally type initconfig in the command line?)

4. Assign the two new drives to the array and start the array (Due to the fact that I didn't change the initial config of UnRaid 6 the drives schould be formatted with XFS. Right?)

5. A parity calculation will start, which hopefully will finish with no errors


Is this procedure o.k.? Or should I do this the hard way, through a real rebuilding procedure drive by drive? Thanks in advance!!!






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Just to make sure I understand, there is no data you need to keep still on the drives you wish to replace?


No to the question of doing initconfig on the command line, since that is what New Config already does.


Another approach would be to just do a New Config without the old drives and let parity rebuild. You could do the preclears at the same time while parity was rebuilding. Then just add the cleared drives and let unRAID format them.


If at any point unRAID is showing any of your other drives as unformatted then don't start the array.


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so I did it  :o I created a New Config. Before I made a backup of my flash drive. All entries of the colum FS shows "auto".  I have expected to see here reiserfs and in one case xfs. For me it looks like Unraid will try to format the drives  :-X Or is this correct at this time? Please help!!! Thanks!




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Auto should recognise the existing format when you start the array.


If a drive shows up as unformatted do NOT format it - it may mean the auto code has not detected the format correctly.  If so you could try stopping the array; setting the format to what you expect; restart the array to see if it now mounted OK.

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Looks perfect -- I assume the two new 4TB drives are being pre-cleared now while the parity calculation is being done on the new configuration.


The parity sync will finish well before the pre-clear => when it's done, start a parity check to confirm that all is well.


Once that's done, just wait for the pre-clears to finish; then stop the array; add the two new 4TB drives; and then Start the array.    It will format the new drives (a couple minutes) and you'll be off to the races ...  :)

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