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[SOLVED] Changing the boot-up time

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Is it possible to change the 4 seconds delete while the menu is presented at boot-up?




The boot menu details is specified by the 'timeout' entry in syslinux/syslinux.cfg on the boot device.  It is a text file, but make sure you edit using an editor that understands Linux end-of-line (e.g. notepad+).
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  • 8 years later...

Sorry for resurrecting this but what does the 50 mean? Because the boot splash screen does not stay for 50 seconds by default.


edit: I respond myself. "The timeout value is in tenths of a second. The default is 50, or five seconds." So a timeout 1 would mean 0.1 seconds and not 1 second. For 1 second I should write timeout 10



Sorry for my lack of linux knowledge :P


Edited by s1l3nce
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5 hours ago, s1l3nce said:

Sorry for resurrecting this but what does the 50 mean? Because the boot splash screen does not stay for 50 seconds by default.


edit: I respond myself. "The timeout value is in tenths of a second. The default is 50, or five seconds." So a timeout 1 would mean 0.1 seconds and not 1 second. For 1 second I should write timeout 10



Sorry for my lack of linux knowledge :P


TIMEOUT = Time to wait to autoboot in 1/10 secs. zero (0) disables the timeout

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