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UnRaid 6.0-beta15 won't mount disk1

Walter S

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I have a second spare usb key and thought i would try Unraid 6.0 beta15.  I backed up the usb key, reformated it as per instructions listed in Upgrading_to_UnRAID_v6.  copied the key file over and all the other steps.  Shut down my system copied the shares, config folders from the main usb key. 

All loaded fine, all shares are there, license key was read ok.  the only problem is one data disk "disk1" fails to load.  I replaced this disk last month with a WD Red 3TB, at this point it see's the original disk (which I replaced).  UnRaid 6.0 console suggests (wants to) Rebuild data and than bring array on line.  When I switch back to the main usb key (Unraid v5.) its all fine all drives are present.  Anybody see this kind of problem



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When you followed the instructions, did you make a new backup of your flash, or did you try to use a backup of your flash that you had created earlier. Your disk configuration is stored on the flash in config/super.dat.


Another user tried to use an old backup he had created. Unfortunately, since he created that backup, he had actually replaced his parity drive, and then used the old parity disk as a data drive. When he booted up from the old backup, unRAID thought his old parity drive was the parity disk instead of a data disk, and started writing parity to it. What a mess!

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No, I thought of that.  I properly shut down my system, backed-up the usb key, re-created (reformatted) my spare usb key with UnRaid 6.0.  copied over the necessary folders/files (License key) to the proper location and restarted.  I did this procedure twice, thinking I mussed something.  but no same thing happened.  version 6beta doesn't recognize the "disk1", which is formatted and contains data, strange,. 

I put back my main usb key (ver 5.0) and restarted the system.  All is fine now, all drives and data are present.


Maybe I should't tempt fate and stop screwing around, you know if it ain't broke don't fix it kind of thing.


I thought it might be helpful for others. 

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No, I thought of that.  I properly shut down my system, backed-up the usb key, re-created (reformatted) my spare usb key with UnRaid 6.0.  copied over the necessary folders/files (License key) to the proper location and restarted.  I did this procedure twice, thinking I mussed something.  but no same thing happened.  version 6beta doesn't recognize the "disk1", which is formatted and contains data, strange,. 

I put back my main usb key (ver 5.0) and restarted the system.  All is fine now, all drives and data are present.


Maybe I should't tempt fate and stop screwing around, you know if it ain't broke don't fix it kind of thing.


I thought it might be helpful for others.

What is the history of disk1?  Was it ever mounted as a SNAP device using the SNAP plugin?

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Here’s an idea, I routinely don’t over-write my parity drive, I just check it for errors, if there are no errors I just let it go.  I’m not sure this is the right way to do things in UnRaid. (?)

I have been thinking about this issue all day.  And this could be the problem.  My parity drive (data) is the one I used when I replaced this latest drive “disk1”. 

What I’ll try is first do a complete parity rewrite.  Than redo my spare usb key with a new formatted usb with UnRaid 6 beta15.


Any thoughts from you folks?


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Here’s an idea, I routinely don’t over-write my parity drive, I just check it for errors, if there are no errors I just let it go.  I’m not sure this is the right way to do things in UnRaid. (?)

I have been thinking about this issue all day.  And this could be the problem.  My parity drive (data) is the one I used when I replaced this latest drive “disk1”. 

What I’ll try is first do a complete parity rewrite.  Than redo my spare usb key with a new formatted usb with UnRaid 6 beta15.


Any thoughts from you folks?

I'm a little unclear about most of this paragraph.
I routinely don’t over-write my parity drive
Do you mean you don't routinely do correcting parity checks, or non-correcting parity checks, or do you mean you don't routinely rebuild parity? The routine most follow is monthly correcting parity checks.
I just check it for errors, if there are no errors I just let it go.
Do you mean the errors column? Read or write errors on parity or any other drives does not indicate anything about whether parity is valid. A write error will make unRAID disable the disk though.
My parity drive (data) is the one I used when I replaced this latest drive “disk1”.
I assume this means that the problem disk1 was formerly used as a parity drive. Don't really see how that would matter if it works in v5 as a data disk now. Did you do a rebuild onto it? Sounds like that must be the case since you seem to be saying that unRAID thinks this disk1 is wrong and the former disk1 is the correct disk. Or do I misunderstand?
What I’ll try is first do a complete parity rewrite.
What does this mean? A correcting parity check, or a New Config with a parity rebuild? In either case I don't see how that will have any effect.

redo my spare usb key with a new formatted usb with UnRaid 6 beta15
This still sounds like you must have restored an old disk configuration (super.dat) to your v6 flash.
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I concur with trurl, it really looks like you are restoring a different super.dat file.  The super.dat should be exactly the same between both v5 and v6.


Unrelated question, but I don't fully understand the memory configuration.  Do you have 3GB of RAM, or do you have 4GB of RAM with a large amount reserved for the onboard graphics?  If 4GB, then you may want to adjust that in the BIOS settings, to reserve the lowest possible for graphics.  unRAID only uses a text console.  That should free up a substantial amount of memory for your unRAID use, wasted otherwise.  The only reason you might want a large amount for graphics is if you are planning to pass it through to a VM.

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I'm Sorry for the confusion, what I mean is a correcting parity check.  I looked at the super.dat file from the v6.0 usb key and it is from early 2014, and the super.dat file on my v5.0 usb key has a date from yesterday 5/5/2015, could this be where the disk1 confusion comes from? 


\I’m doing a correcting parity check now, when that’s done I’ll reformat my spare usb key put v6.0beta15 on it and make sure I have only up-to date files on it.


I’ll also look at the memory allocation in the bios.  I’m sure the system has 4 GB of memory.


Thanks for the tips. 


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Exactly what I thought! You're lucky unRAID didn't start writing parity to your data disk like happened to that other user. unRAID probably thought you had wrong or missing disks and couldn't start. In his case, all the disks that his old super.dat said should be there were, so it just started up OK but then wrote parity to his now repurposed parity drive.

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Well, parity check with corrections has completed.  I safely shut system down.  backed up (copied) usb key (V5.0).  copied all config, shares files to the spare usb we'll call it V6.0b15, except of course the usb key license file.

Restarted my system and everything is perfect now.


Now, to get familiar with the new GUI


Thanks all for the tips..

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