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[WANTED:] Docker environment for managing files on unraid


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Hey guys, is there a docker with apps and utilities for managing files on unraid?


Right now I'm using screen + mc and other cmdline utilities just fine, but I thought it would be cool to have a web gui (or x session in a browser).


Features request:


- multipane gui w/ folder & files views

- able to queue file operations (copy & move)

- file/directory compare tools (MELD?)

- integrity checker (md5deep? hashdeep?)



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If you want to use mc in a browser I might have a solution


I just added a new container in my repo called Dockergui-dev


All it does is open a terminal window in the browser. I use it to develop and test web based containers.


To use mc, just install mc with sudo (password is PASSWD) and run it


If you want to test any other apps, install them as you would in ubuntu and run them from terminal.

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I have not tried it out and don't know much about it, but sparklyballs has a pydio docker in his beta repo. According to a web search, pydio is the latest incarnation of ajaxplorer, which is a web-based file sharing and management application.

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I have not tried it out and don't know much about it, but sparklyballs has a pydio docker in his beta repo. According to a web search, pydio is the latest incarnation of ajaxplorer, which is a web-based file sharing and management application.


I get the impression that pydio is more like a self-hosted dropbox or the likes, not for actually managing local files through a web browser.

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I have not tried it out and don't know much about it, but sparklyballs has a pydio docker in his beta repo. According to a web search, pydio is the latest incarnation of ajaxplorer, which is a web-based file sharing and management application.


I get the impression that pydio is more like a self-hosted dropbox or the likes, not for actually managing local files through a web browser.

That's the impression I get from their website also, but ajaxplorer had file management. I think they are going after bigger fish now, but it might still have those capabilities, just not being promoted that way. Maybe a little more research would tell us.
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I have not tried it out and don't know much about it, but sparklyballs has a pydio docker in his beta repo. According to a web search, pydio is the latest incarnation of ajaxplorer, which is a web-based file sharing and management application.


I get the impression that pydio is more like a self-hosted dropbox or the likes, not for actually managing local files through a web browser.

That's the impression I get from their website also, but ajaxplorer had file management. I think they are going after bigger fish now, but it might still have those capabilities, just not being promoted that way. Maybe a little more research would tell us.


I've just checked their demo site. It's definitely catered for online use with quick shortcuts for online sharing for every files and no quick file select\drag and drop.


Maybe it's better to implement this in KVM, because of the value that multi-windows bring to file management.

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Maybe someone could put a desktop application in a docker like they have with several other applications. Just put a Linux file manager as the desktop application.


One of them is Dolphin, as aptalca has already packaged it (mentioned above).

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Maybe someone could put a desktop application in a docker like they have with several other applications. Just put a Linux file manager as the desktop application.


One of them is Dolphin, as aptalca has already packaged it (mentioned above).


Aptalca did with Dolphin... not my kind of need... but better. Pydio is WAAAAYYY complex. I tihnk it real purpose is more for document management and sharing with teams, than just a simple file manager. And I could not get the java folder dragging feature working.


With my VPN now working, I can work with the stuff like I am at home. Seems the easiest...

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Man, you guys rock. Like a little express think-tank-lab going on here :P

Off to check out the beta docker...


I agree with you there ysss.


Great work guys. I never heard of krusader until I saw this.

I look forward to trying it and to seeing what you all whip up next  :)

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