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Storm took out built network

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Lightening took out the network built into the Asus  mother board.  The 2 PCI and PCI express slots already have the HDD controllers so the only slot left is the PCI EX16 that is for the graphics card, but since I'm using the vga built into the MB, can that slot run a network card, or should I try one of those usb to Ethernet things to get network back up?


Suggestions are really appreciated.

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As long as there was no other motherboard damage, an add-in card should work just fine.  Definitely recommend buying an Intel card -- they're by far the best NICs.


And absolutely run your network cable through the ports on the UPS !!  [And if by chance you don't have a UPS, GET ONE  :)  ]

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Thanks for input.  I do have UPS but did into think about running the cable through it.  Lesson learned.


There's a reason they put that network surge protection port on your UPS  :)


By the way, as you may know, most UPS manufacturers will reimburse you for any equipment damage for any "connected equipment" (up to a limit) ==>  HOWEVER, if there is any unprotected line running to the equipment (e.g. a network cable or phone line) then the guarantee is void.


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Been there done that on some other stuff once. Not worth the paper written and on.  They find some excuse to not pay up but not til after you spend a small fortune to send the equipment in and have to wait forever and make numerous calls. And it was one of the big names and not only was there a whole house protection, but all the AV gear isolated thru the so called $10,000 guarantee.  Thank goodness I had good home to insurance with extra equipment coverage which ended up paying almost $6,000. I didn't think about running the net cable thru since I have the initial DSL cable thru one at the source.  But I guess the extra chance to catch the surge.  Will in future.

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I've had two experiences that were notably different.


One was with Belkin about a decade ago -- two UPS's got fried but protected the attached PCs with no problem.  Belkin gladly replaced both of the UPS units with better units, since they no longer sold the models that were involved.    Unfortunately Belkin no longer sells UPS equipment in the US ... they made some very nice models at very reasonable prices.


The other was with APC, when a direct lightning strike in Colorado took out not only the UPS but also a computer that was plugged in to it.  This was a long time ago (~ 1998) and the PC was a fairly expensive unit ($2500).    I did have to send it in; but there was no hassle ... in a couple weeks I got a brand new UPS AND a check for a new computer.


They DO require good documentation ... and they WILL confirm the surge didn't come through some other connection that wasn't protected by the UPS.    But given that you jump through those hoops I haven't seen any problems.    I agree, however, that it's a more difficult process than it should be.


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Got the card in and when I put it in either the PCIeX16 or the normal PCI slots it appears to recognize it as both the card LEDs come on.  The switch shows that the link is there, but no one on the network can see the machine.  Is there any thing special I need to do besides boot it up.  Special Linux drivers or anything? 

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Got the card in and when I put it in either the PCIeX16 or the normal PCI slots it appears to recognize it as both the card LEDs come on.  The switch shows that the link is there, but no one on the network can see the machine.  Is there any thing special I need to do besides boot it up.  Special Linux drivers or anything?


Clearly you can't be putting this card in both a PCIe slot AND a PCI slot ... so I assume by "normal PCI slots" you mean a PCIe x1 slot.


What is the exact make/model of the network card you bought?


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Intel Gigabit CT PCI-E Network Adapter EXPI9301CTBLK and Yes I tried each slot just to be sure.  The MB has 2 PCI, 1 PCIx4 and 1 PCIx16.  I know the 2 regular PCI and the x4 slot work as they have SATA cards in them and they all appear to come up, at least watching the console monitor.  So I would HALT the system, pull one card out, put in the NIC and bring back up.  Again the switch shows it connected as a gigabit connection, as does the card.  To run the ethtool eth0  and ifconfig commands, I assume I just run those from the Linux console prompt?

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the ifconfig:


Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr Mask


RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

RX bytes:560 (560.0 b)  TX bytes 560 (560.0 b)


ethtool eth0:


Settings for eth0:

Cannot get device settings:No such device

Cannot get wake-on-lan:No such device

Cannot get  message level:No such device

Cannot get link status:No such device

No data available


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Did you disable the onboard NIC in the BIOS?    UnRAID may be using that -- even though it's broken.


By the way .... r.e.

The MB has 2 PCI, 1 PCIx4 and 1 PCIx16.


There's a difference between a PCI slot and a PCIe slot => your motherboard clearly has PCIe slots --- NOT PCI.


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No, it should automatically see the card and use it.   


I'm surprised UnRAID didn't "just work" with that card.  I'd send Tom a PM (or JonP) and see if there's a driver issue with that specific card.    If so, I'm sure they'll resolve it very quickly.


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When lightning hit my network, I had one machine where it clearly damaged a network port, because I could not get it to link up on the network, at all.  But it's little lights would turn on, and even blink now and then, even without a cable connected!  It's been disabled since then, but the silly little light still turns on and blinks occasionally, disabled and no cable!

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I looked at the syslog.txt and it goes back to the end of April.  Nothing from May, yet this all started about a week ago.  Should it not update?  And btw, its a very long list.


WHAT????  Haven't you rebooted since the storm?  How did you install the new Network card?  It takes a reboot to recognize and install it.  With version 6, You get the latest syslog from the GUI.  With earlier versions, the procedure described here will always work:



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Yes there have been a number of HALT commands from the console so I could do the card, BIOS, etc.  Since I cannot get network assess to it, I just pulled the USB stick and brought it to my other PC to get the log file.  I will check the link as I'm on an earlier version.

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Yes there have been a number of HALT commands from the console so I could do the card, BIOS, etc.  Since I cannot get network assess to it, I just pulled the USB stick and brought it to my other PC to get the log file.  I will check the link as I'm on an earlier version.

Syslog is only saved on the flash when someone or something (powerdown plugin) puts it there. The current one is in RAM.
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Yes there have been a number of HALT commands from the console so I could do the card, BIOS, etc.  Since I cannot get network assess to it, I just pulled the USB stick and brought it to my other PC to get the log file.  I will check the link as I'm on an earlier version.


The instructions in the thread that I posted had this command in the first post:


     cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog.txt


You type that in using a monitor and keyboard connected directly to the server.  You will have to pull the flash after running it.  There is be file named 'syslog.txt' in the root of that drive.  That is the file that we need to see.


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I am still on 4.3.3 as I had problems doing the 5 upgrade of it not recognizing drives so I put that off for another day.


As suggested to do the command:


cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog.txt


but I get the message:


cp: cannot create regular file ‘/boot/syslog.txt”: No space left on device


But I have checked the flash drive and it has 400+ left on it so I am not sure what to do now.


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