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i recently had a an issue where im no longer able to move/create content of my server. i keep getting a read only error. i did a search and i think one of my drives is corrupted. i followed the steps in the article linked below but the reiserfsck --fix-fixable command didn't seem to fix the issue. i had a spare drive so im trying to rebuild it to see if that will fix it. im pretty new when it comes to linux so any help would be appreciated.






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If there is a file system error, then a rebuild will not fix it.


What was the output of the reiserfsck against the suspect disk?  Did it complete and indicate no corruption found, or was it some other result?  Also what was the exact reiserfsck command you used?

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so i ran reiserfsck against my first 10. 10 reported 3 corruptions im re running it now to get the exact wording. just curious if i should run the check against the other drives as well? the exact command i ran was "reiserfsck --fix-fixable /dev/md10"

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so i ran reiserfsck against my first 10. 10 reported 3 corruptions im re running it now to get the exact wording. just curious if i should run the check against the other drives as well? the exact command i ran was "reiserfsck --fix-fixable /dev/md10"


Well, the first error I saw was with md11. 


The next one was on disk 14.


Go to the 'Main' page of the GUI.  Click up the 'Array Operation' tab.  Spin up all the disks.


Now go back to the 'Array Devices' tab and tell us what disks don't have green 'buttons under the 'Device' column and what disks have 'Error' counters other than zero.


Oh, and tell us the exact version of 6 that you are running.

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While the file systems do have to be repaired, the first priority has to be Disk 14, because of the Pending sectors.  Disk 14 will have to be rebuilt, possibly replaced.  Has there been a recent parity check, and was it completely successful?  That's to ensure a successful rebuild.  If you have a good replacement disk, then you can rebuild Disk 14 immediately.  Otherwise, Disk 14 needs to be taken offline, and tested by Preclearing, and if good, then re-assigned and rebuilt.


Once that is complete, then run reiserfsck on all the drives, following the instructions carefully.

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While the file systems do have to be repaired, the first priority has to be Disk 14, because of the Pending sectors.  Disk 14 will have to be rebuilt, possibly replaced.  Has there been a recent parity check, and was it completely successful?  That's to ensure a successful rebuild.  If you have a good replacement disk, then you can rebuild Disk 14 immediately.  Otherwise, Disk 14 needs to be taken offline, and tested by Preclearing, and if good, then re-assigned and rebuilt.


Once that is complete, then run reiserfsck on all the drives, following the instructions carefully.

And don't write anything else to the array until all problems are resolved. If you aren't sure about any apps writing then disable them.
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