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Upgrading unRaid-5 to unRaid-6

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I currently use the following packages and plugins:



It is possible to make this work with v6 but you will probably not need it (depending on what you use it for) as the v6 GUI is so much richer in functionality, especially if you install additional Dynamix optional plugins.

Monthly Parity Check
Built-in capability in v6

OpenSSL is built in to v6.  What do you use this for?  The ability make ssh connections is a standard feature of v6.

unRAID Power-Down on disk overtemp
Not sure if this is a standard feature or not?  You can definitely get notifications if it happens, but not sure about automatic powerdown. You probably DO want to install the Powerdown plugin with v6 as it can often shut down the sytem tidily if you are encountering problems where the built-in powerdown fails.

screen (screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation)
This is one of the many additional packages that can be installed via the Nerd Pack plugin.    However since so much more can be done via the v6 GUI you may no longer need it.


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I just tried to upgrade to version 6 with method 2 of the scrip unRAIDServer.plg

First reboot: ok

Second reboot, I get the message:


Could not find kernel picture: linux


What can I do now?


Thank you for your help



Upgrading from v5 to v6 via the plugin seems to fail with some frequency, particularly if you do not hae a completely vanilla v5 install.  I would suggest that instead you follow the procedures covered in the Upgrading_to_UnRAID_v6 wiki article.
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Is what I can use this procedure seems more affordable





I am not sure quite how accurate that procedure is for the current version of v6.    Do not be put off by the length of the wiki article - the basic process is the same.  Much of the wiki article is about potential problems some users have encountered, and to provide information that is of use to new users of v6, and it also covers a couple of alternate install routes (clean vs. bringing forward old configuration)
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Yes, the upgrade via the plugin failed in 3 out of 3 times.

In any of my cases I had to issue the "makebootable" once again.

If i remember correctly it is an issue that the syslinux is in a directory now, but

the makebootable will resolve this.


The instruction length is really repelling!

It would have been nice, if there was a final update to v5 that would introduce

a link or a qualified update procedure from within the GUI.

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Yes, the upgrade via the plugin failed in 3 out of 3 times.

In any of my cases I had to issue the "makebootable" once again.

If i remember correctly it is an issue that the syslinux is in a directory now, but

the makebootable will resolve this.

In a clean v5 install this is also the case.  If yours is not then you have probably broken one of assumption that the plugin upgrade assumes.


It tries to cover all sort of corner cases that not everyone will encounter but that have been found in practise.


The basic process is still very simply:

  • Start by preparing the USB stick as though for a new install
  • Copy across the key file and important configuration files
  • At this point you should be able to boot and have a basic working system with your disks and shares set up as before.

The rest is about guiding you into looking at the new features, common customisations in v6, and covering how to upgrade from more complex v5 setups.

It would have been nice, if there was a final update to v5 that would introduce

a link or a qualified update procedure from within the GUI.

The plugin was an attempt to make this easier.  Since it seems to fail with some frequency (particularly for those who upgraded to v5 from earlier unRAID releases) I feel it mighthave been simpler not to even produce the plugin in the first place.


Once you are on v6 then upgrading to new releases via the GUI (from the plugins page) seems to be very reliable.

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In a clean v5 install this is also the case.  If yours is not then you have probably broken one of assumption that the plugin upgrade assumes.

I started with v5.0.? in August 2013 - don't know if the file structure has been changed since.


It tries to cover all sort of corner cases that not everyone will encounter but that have been found in practise.

I know, it's good to have all that kind of stuff, but when looking particularly for the upgrade instruction it's distracting.


The plugin was an attempt to make this easier.  Since it seems to fail with some frequency (particularly for those who upgraded to v5 from earlier unRAID releases) I feel it mighthave been simpler not to even produce the plugin in the first place.

No, the plugin is pretty welcome! And it does make things easier, it just doesn't perfect.

Especially if you have the server somewhere in the basement or locked up with the thumb drive inside the case it is very handy! No need to crack the case open and remove the stick to format it. At least not, if the plugin would perform all steps, including the final makebootable instruction.


LT mentioned, they will have a look into it...


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I just realized the transition to version 6

The server started out with the verion 6.1.8

I go to the web page

The discs are well recognized


But the array does not start: I click on Start and it will not start



Where is the problem ?


Thank you for your help




Go to 'Tools', 'Diagnostics' and post the file with your next post.  Also a screen shot of the 'Main' (array Devices) page could be useful...

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I just realized the transition to version 6

The server started out with the verion 6.1.8

I go to the web page

The discs are well recognized


But the array does not start: I click on Start and it will not start



Where is the problem ?

No idea from your description.  Have you made sure that you have put your license key file in the config folder on the USB drive?


I would suggest that providing the diagnostics file (Tools->Diagnostics) will help with providing information to get help.  A screen shot of the Main tab showing the Array Devices and the array Operations might also help

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Nothing obvious in the syslog - it all looks as one would expect.  I cannot see any sign there, however, of an attempt to start the array.


I notice that the contents of the disk.cfg file in the config folder looks a bit strange.    Did you copy this from the previous install?

The start of mine (before the individual disk details) is:

 Generated settings:

which has a few significant differences to yours.  Not sure if they matter or not.

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Thank you for your help




Did you click on the 'Start' button on the 'Array Operation' Page?  (Under 'Settings', ' Disk Settings', the first option is to 'Enable Auto Start'.  The default is 'No'.  Change it to 'Yes'.)


EDIT:  The 'Enable Auto Start' option is used to automatically start the array when the server is started.  If that option is set to 'No', the array must be manually started from the 'Main', 'Array Operation' tab.

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Thank you for your help




Did you click on the 'Start' button on the 'Array Operation' Page?  (Under 'Settings', ' Disk Settings', the first option is to 'Enable Auto Start'.  The default is 'No'.  Change it to 'Yes'.)



EDIT:  The 'Enable Auto Start' option is used to automatically start the array when the server is started.  If that option is set to 'No', the array must be manually started from the 'Main', 'Array Operation' tab.

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Sure, but I'm just noting what works

If that behavior is still persistent, then something is wrong.

Can you "stop" and "start" once the server is up?


If you remove the auto-start setting again, is the "start" working or not?


I will cross-check this with my server.

I deliberately have the autostart disabled on my system.    The only time I expect to be rebooting my server is when there has either been an issue or when I have made a significant change.  In such cases I want the ability to bring the server up with minimal automatic processes starting so that I can check things out and make a considered choice to start the array (which also starts Dockers and VMs that are marked to autostart).
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But the array does not start: I click on Start and it will not start


But this should work, indifferent what is set for startup!  ???


Sure, but I'm just noting what works


By the way, on my servers, it takes the better part of a minute to start the array because all of the drives have to be spun up before the start array procedure can be completed.  The various steps are listed at the bottom left of the Array Operation page in a very small font until the process is completed and the array mounted.  Are you seeing those steps?

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