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Maybe the easiest question to answer :)


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My unRAID server has been perfectly stable for 5 years.  It was on version 5.0.5 and all of a sudden I started having the server freeze for no reason.  After extensive troubleshooting I couldn't figure out the problem so I've simply upgraded all the hardware except for the hard drives.  This new system seems to work OK, but since I'm going to the trouble it seems like I should go ahead and upgrade to version 6.0.  I've done everything the wiki has said to do and can get to the GUI.  However, the wiki talks about bringing over network and config files.  I'm not doing that.  This is truly a fresh install with only NAS for now.  I've even taken out the cache.  The USB has been flashed with the vanilla version of 6.0 and it has been registered with unRAID PLUS.


Now before I crater my data let me ask one thing.  I assume my data will remain intact if I simply choose the same parity hard drive as was in 5.0 for 6.0...correct?  This is probably the main pitfall someone could run in to.  I'll likely just point each data drive to the same # they were before, but it is my understanding that doesn't matter.  Is this correct?

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Thanks.  I just aligned all the drives with the same order I did in 5.0.5.  Now if I could just the GUI to stop crashing on me that would be useful (sigh...for another post).

Are you sure you have no remnants from v5 being loaded anywhere?  That would cause serious stability issues.


I would suggest that you attach a diagnostics file (created using the diagnostics option on the Tools tab) so we can see what your configuration is and what is being loaded at startup.

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I don't see how I could have anything from 5.0.  This was a clean upgrade to 6.0.  All I did was format the flash and load the new 6.0 on to the flash.  I didn't bring up over any files from the previous flash and started fresh. 


I would love nothing more than to provide a diagnostics file, but it was after I started a parity check that the GUI failed.  I'm pretty sure that the parity check is continuing and I would rather not force the server to shutdown while it was doing it.  Of course I now have no way of knowing when it might finish so I guess I'm waiting until tomorrow morning to do a shutdown and reboot. 

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I don't see how I could have anything from 5.0.  This was a clean upgrade to 6.0.  All I did was format the flash and load the new 6.0 on to the flash.  I didn't bring up over any files from the previous flash and started fresh. 


I would love nothing more than to provide a diagnostics file, but it was after I started a parity check that the GUI failed.  I'm pretty sure that the parity check is continuing and I would rather not force the server to shutdown while it was doing it.  Of course I now have no way of knowing when it might finish so I guess I'm waiting until tomorrow morning to do a shutdown and reboot.

If you use a console/telnet session you can also create the diagnostics file by typing the command


This creates the zip file and puts it in the logs folder on the flash drive.

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I was able to create the diagnostics file from telnet.  It is attached.  By the way, for anyone reading this you simply type "diagnostics" from the command line.  You'll get error messages, but the diagnostics zip file is still created in the log folder on the flash.


These are actually warnings when some of the files it tries to copy are not present, in a next version these will be suppressed and some textual feedback has been added to show better what is going on when the CLI version is used.


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