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No WEBUI when array not started


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I changed the motherboard in my main server.


To do some testing I haven't inserted any controllers or connected any harddisks yet.


unraid 6.1.3 boots ok from USB and I can connect in telnet to the ip address of the server. Also in IPMI.


The server doesn't show up on the network though and I cant access the flash driver from my laptop.


I also don't get the WEBGUI in my internet browser.


Any tips on how to troubleshoot this and how to get the WEBGUI are welcome.


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Have you tried accessing webGUI by IP address?


That is the usual way I access the server.


I now connected both LAN ports of the mainboard plus the additional LAN port for IPMI rebooted the server and now I can connect to the WEBGUI and the server also shows up on the network. I would have thought that connecting one LAN cable would be enough if the ip address is assigned. Or will unraid only work with LAN port 1 on a mainboard.

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