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Formatting a new disk outside the array as XFS


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I finally made the move to 6+ and life is good. I want to move my existing RFS disks to XFS, so I added a couple of disks outside of the array and pre-cleared them with the UDEV plugin. But the option to format these disks is grayed out in the Plugin If I look at the details for the disk the partition format dropdown is not there. So what am I missing?



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I finally made the move to 6+ and life is good. I want to move my existing RFS disks to XFS, so I added a couple of disks outside of the array and pre-cleared them with the UDEV plugin. But the option to format these disks is grayed out in the Plugin If I look at the details for the disk the partition format dropdown is not there. So what am I missing?




If you want to add a disk to the array, you must format it using unRAID's own option.

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The plan is to format it outside of the array as XFS, move the files from the RFS disks to it (with verify) and then rebuild the array.

By "rebuild the array" do you mean you intend to New Config with the XFS disk as part of the array? That is the point of gfjardim's reply. unRAID must partition and format the disk if it is to be part of the array.


Might as well make it part of the array, do the move, and then New Config if you want to remove or rearrange any disks after moving the files.

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I think he wants a mounted XFS drive out of the array for something like video camera recording etc....so he doesn't have to wear his Parity drive out.  I accomplished this using Unassigned Drive Plugin.  But I still had to go in command line and create the partition via parted before it would let me format it in the plugin.

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I think he wants a mounted XFS drive out of the array for something like video camera recording etc....so he doesn't have to wear his Parity drive out.  I accomplished this using Unassigned Drive Plugin.  But I still had to go in command line and create the partition via parted before it would let me format it in the plugin.



In that case, you must go to Settings > Unassigned Devices > Destructive Mode and set it to Enabled.

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