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Need some help with a script


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I've set up a script to clean .DS_Store files. Got the script from this post

# ========================================================================== #
# Program Body                                                               #
# ========================================================================== #
((!$#)) && echo No Directory supplied! && exit 1

echo $dir

echo "Removing .DS_Store files"
find "$dir" -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm '{}' \; -print

echo "======================="
echo "Removing ._ files"
find "$dir" -name "._*" -exec rm '{}' \; -print



I've got it installed in /config/plugins/DS_Store-Cleanup/ and run it with a cron entry-

# DS_Store Cleanup for Media:
20 3 * * 1 ./config/plugins/DS_Store-Cleanup/rmdotstore.sh /mnt/user/Media



I think it's working??? If I create a test file named .DS_Store it will get deleted when running the command via telnet at least. My problem is that I don't get any notifications. Is there something I can modify to have the system send a notification (preferred) or maybe at least have a log entry?

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Tried changing the script to this-

# ========================================================================== #
# Program Body                                                               #
# ========================================================================== #
((!$#)) && echo No Directory supplied! && /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify [-e "DS_Cleanup"] [-s "DS_Cleanup"] [-i "normal"] [-m "Cleaning DS_Store files from Media"] && exit 1

echo $dir

echo "Removing .DS_Store files"
find "$dir" -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm '{}' \; -print

echo "======================="
echo "Removing ._ files"
find "$dir" -name "._*" -exec rm '{}' \; -print


I don't get an email though. Did I miss something?


Also tried running the command from telnet with the same result.

I'm guessing there's a syntax problem but I'm a noob at this so pretty much lost here.

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Tried changing the script to this-

# ========================================================================== #
# Program Body                                                               #
# ========================================================================== #
((!$#)) && echo No Directory supplied! && /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify [-e "DS_Cleanup"] [-s "DS_Cleanup"] [-i "normal"] [-m "Cleaning DS_Store files from Media"] && exit 1

echo $dir

echo "Removing .DS_Store files"
find "$dir" -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm '{}' \; -print

echo "======================="
echo "Removing ._ files"
find "$dir" -name "._*" -exec rm '{}' \; -print


I don't get an email though. Did I miss something?


Also tried running the command from telnet with the same result.

I'm guessing there's a syntax problem but I'm a noob at this so pretty much lost here.

duh... I'm dense.  Remove the braces from within the notify command
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I've never used that style with bash


I always use if and fi - makes more sense to me. 


Probably would for me too if I had any idea what I was doing.:D


I just added it on to the cron script. Worked great. Thanks

# DS_Store Cleanup for Media:
20 3 * * 1 ./config/plugins/DS_Store-Cleanup/rmdotstore.sh /mnt/user/Media  && /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "DS_Cleanup" -d "Removing .DS_Store files" -i "normal" -m "Cleaning DS_Store files from Media"


I seem to remember that I need to restart my server for the cron files to load. Is that true?

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I created a folder in plugins "DS_Store-Cleanup". Inside the folder are 2 text files "rmdotstore.cron" and "rmdotstore.sh".

I had read in the forum that I could run any script this way. All I had to do was model it after any of the plugins already on the flash drive. Wish I could find the thread.

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Stole this from your post up above for my little code. Thanks for sharing. ;)


/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "DS_Cleanup" -d "Removing .DS_Store files" -i "normal" -m "Cleaning DS_Store files from Media"


Of course I modified it for my own needs, but I dig the notification.

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