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Plugins causing UnRAID to fail


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I let the server sit and come back after some time to see nothing coming up but script errors.


It looks like the dynamix stats script fails out and then everything follows?  Have a look at the log and screenshots.


This is recent behavior in the last few days.  A reboot corrects the problem.






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If it happens again you might try removing the plugins check plugin and rebooting. I had an issue with the webUI after installing that which I never reported (sorry Squid) since it was only intended as a temporary fix anyway.

I'm surprised...  :o
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If it happens again you might try removing the plugins check plugin and rebooting. I had an issue with the webUI after installing that which I never reported (sorry Squid) since it was only intended as a temporary fix anyway.

I'm surprised...  :o

Could have been something else going on but I didn't really try to investigate. I almost always know when things are updated anyway since I read most new posts.
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Well, I removed the hotfix plugin and it still failed this morning.


Same thing as my last post.  This time I could not capture a syslog or diagnostic; the browser just came up with a "404 file not found" upon retrieval of each log.

I did manage to at least get the syslog from the system and copy it to a drive prior to reboot.  Attached.






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Well, I removed the system status plugin.  Finally failed w/o plugin, so we can assume it is safe.


It did it right in front of me so I got a look at the log.  From the attached, it looks the like server is resetting the USB.  A quick attempt to access the USB via the network shows that it in fact is dismounted, hence all the plugins trying perhaps to permanently log things to the flash and failing...so I would assume.


Next question - is this a symptom of failing hardware/usb port or the usb drive itself coming to an end?  It is the original one that I have been using since day one...perhaps 6 years now.


I will pull it and try another USB port.  If it goes away, then I guess the port is wonky.  Further fails and I guess we can move the key over to a new USB stick and see what that does?  If still, then perhaps my MB is slowly fading away...






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I should add that this is recent behavior and not sure if it is tied to my processor upgrade (Core 2 Duo -> Quad) and in the last week or so, very heavy inter-server transfers as I move from Reiser to XFS.


I moved the USB stick to another port (motherboard port to external) and rebooted.  Awaiting now...



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