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Feature Request: Log File re-direct


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I've seen many users who's server crashed over the years and as a result the last few lines (or all lines) in the log (in RAM) are lost. Knowing the last little bit of info to hit the log might help with diagnostics on a crash.


The feature request that I am submitting is to allow a user the option of specifying where the log file is stored /boot /var /mnt/cache/appdata/unraid_log etc.


This would allow the log to (hopefully) capture the last few bits of information during a hard crash or system reboot.


Case in point: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47161.msg452724#msg452724


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I support this if a proper warning is given about redirecting it to the flash.

I would say a persistent and nagging warning if it is stored anywhere other than RAM or else people are going to start asking why their flash is filling up or their drives won't spin down.
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I support this if a proper warning is given about redirecting it to the flash.

I would say a persistent and nagging warning if it is stored anywhere other than RAM or else people are going to start asking why their flash is filling up or their drives won't spin down.


Its actually not a bad idea... it could be a non persistant setting that defaults back after reboot... It would need to be because the only good place would be the flash drive, all other drives do not survive the array shutting down..

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