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DNS unblock DIY


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So is it possible to run your own DNS unblocking server like the ones you can subscribe to?  I don't know much about them but it seems like if you could it would be harder for companies like Netflix, NHL.TV, MLB.TV etc. to block them since it wouldn't be as popular as the big sites and only you would be using it. 


So can this be done, if so can it be done on unraid, a Mac or even Rasp Pi? 

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Proper blocking is done by looking at the source ip address of the client submitting the request. Only poor attempts of blocking is done via DNS zones. With that said, I'd hope none of the content providers are this backwards from a technological standpoint.

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If you wanted to do this yourself id say you'd be looking at setting up some sort of proxy on a server hosted on Azure\Amazon where you get to specify the location of the data center its hosted in? that way the requests to services you listed would be coming from that IP and then be routed back to you.

you'd set up your local DNS to forward requests to that server for certain zones so access was transparent to clients on your local network.


Thats how id imagine it would work anyway?

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