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Unbelievably slow delete and copy from Windows 10, sometimes timeout


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I have my Unraid box all setup and everything seems to be working fine, except for when I try to manage content through network shares from my Windows 10 desktop PC.


When I'm SSH'd into the Unraid box, copying files around and deleting is no problem locally. 


From my Windows 10 desktop PC, it's painfully slow to interact with the Unraid shares.  If I try to delete a movie, windows will show the deletion dialog and it can take several minutes before anything happens. Ditto with copying.  Sometimes it'll give me a timeout error and not do anything.


Here is the most common example, where I'm just copying some files over from a torrents directory on my windows PC to the corresponding TV user share on Unraid:




Just took above screenshot now when I reproduced the problem, and it sits there for nearly 2 minutes before doing anything.  After that, it will either start copying, or give me an error timing out like this:




If I hit "Try again" it usually works, and immediately starts copying the files.


I only have 1 PC in the house so not sure if this will repro on another machine, but given nothing seems to be wrong or slow locally while interaction with the user shares on /mnt/user, I'm guessing this is some incompat with windows?


I tried searching but couldn't find anything recent and refuse to believe this is just an isolated case for me.


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I have my Unraid box all setup and everything seems to be working fine, except for when I try to manage content through network shares from my Windows 10 desktop PC.


When I'm SSH'd into the Unraid box, copying files around and deleting is no problem locally. 


From my Windows 10 desktop PC, it's painfully slow to interact with the Unraid shares.  If I try to delete a movie, windows will show the deletion dialog and it can take several minutes before anything happens. Ditto with copying.  Sometimes it'll give me a timeout error and not do anything.


I only have 1 PC in the house so not sure if this will repro on another machine, but given nothing seems to be wrong or slow locally while interaction with the user shares on /mnt/user, I'm guessing this is some incompat with windows?


I tried searching but couldn't find anything recent and refuse to believe this is just an isolated case for me.

Diagnostics would be a good start to post.  But, things like drive spin-ups can also affect this.  Install dynamix.cache.dirs plugin and you should hopefully notice a big change.


Unless the system is in the exact same state (ie: all drives spun down or all drives spun up) when you're doing things locally or remotely, the comparison isn't really fair.  That being said, interacting with any system over a network is ALWAYS going to be slower than interacting locally


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Diagnostics would be a good start to post.  But, things like drive spin-ups can also affect this.  Install dynamix.cache.dirs plugin and you should hopefully notice a big change.


Unless the system is in the exact same state (ie: all drives spun down or all drives spun up) when you're doing things locally or remotely, the comparison isn't really fair.  That being said, interacting with any system over a network is ALWAYS going to be slower than interacting locally


Just attached diagnostics to my original post.  Sorry about that.


This delay isn't second, it's more like minutes, so don't think it's disk spinup.

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Also just noticed that even doing things like mapping drives is slow. However, once they are mapped the drives open fine.


It's as if something is interfering with the initial communication/handshaking between my PC and Unraid.


Is no one else experiencing this?

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Windows being unresponsive with UnRAID has been a problem since I started using UnRAID in 2009.  While these threads aren't specific to Windows 10 and UnRAID v6, I've seen similar issues with my current v6 setup and Windows 7 x64.  In no particular order:














I haven't seen anything definitive on the root cause but I consistently notice the more full drives are the worse the timeouts become.





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Windows being unresponsive with UnRAID has been a problem since I started using UnRAID in 2009.  While these threads aren't specific to Windows 10 and UnRAID v6, I've seen similar issues with my current v6 setup and Windows 7 x64.  In no particular order:














I haven't seen anything definitive on the root cause but I consistently notice the more full drives are the worse the timeouts become.


Ugh, I hadn't seen those before doing this huge migration from Windows Server to Unraid.


But this isn't limited to only windows. My Macbook also has this problem in finder.  I normally don't use it at home since I have a windows desktop but I opened it to just try connecting and it times out like crazy.


It can see //tower and the shares, but when I click on one to view contents in Finder, it timeouts repeatedly and just hangs.

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Update on more investigation on this and things I tried:



Both Windows file copy and Teracopy are slow. Teracopy seems to hang as long as built-in standard file copy.


Trying SCP

Over SCP, the file transfer DOES work and start transfer immediately. Here is a screenshot of the status screen from WinSCP as soon as I initiated the copy it started immediately (although transfer speed is pretty slow):




Disabling Remote Differential Compression

I tried turning off Remote Differential Compression, as that was suggested in one of the threads that @betaman posted.  No impact, same delays.  (Note: Although no *nix specific, this technet blog also goes into debunking the myth that turning off this setting makes anything faster.)


Investigated low disk space

Multiple threads talked about suspicion of low disk space being the culprit.  Whether that's the cause for other people, it's not the cause here because I don't have low disk space yet encounter the slow file operations. See this screenshot of free disk space in my array:




Syslog errors/warnings

I increased the verbosity of the logging by adding "log level = 2" and "syslog = 2" to /boot/config/smb-extra.conf and see these 2 lines repeatedly in the syslog. Not sure if it's relevant


Apr  1 18:30:04 Tower smbd[6995]:   idmap range not specified for domain '*'

WARNING: The "null passwords" option is deprecated


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Super odd. This got resolved.


How? I rebooted.


No idea how that fixed things, but it did. My drive access is quick and all file operations are fast now too.  I had to reboot to physically relocate my server as well as install a few more HDs I had lying around that I wanted to add to the array.


Rebooted and presto.  Accesses to the shares are now lightning quick and as fast as my previous Windows Server.

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Super odd. This got resolved.


How? I rebooted.


No idea how that fixed things, but it did. My drive access is quick and all file operations are fast now too.  I had to reboot to physically relocate my server as well as install a few more HDs I had lying around that I wanted to add to the array.


Rebooted and presto.  Accesses to the shares are now lightning quick and as fast as my previous Windows Server.


Keep us posted if anything changes.

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