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[Support] activ- flexget

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This is so stupid. The config file can't be found, due to what is set as /mnt in the Docker settings for FlexGet.


That is set in that option is later ni /mnt after doing a "docker exec -ti activ-flexget /bin/bash" in a terminal.


If I set that path to the same as where I got my appdata, that is, /mnt/user/appdata/activ-flexget I find the config file in /mnt.


The problem is that it doesn't search for it there, but only here:


2018-02-08 16:31 CRITICAL manager                       Failed to find configuration file config.yml
2018-02-08 16:31 INFO     manager                       Tried to read from: /, /home/nobody/.flexget, /home/nobody/.config/flexget



Any solution for this?


Maybe FlexGet isn't what I'm looking for. Right now I'm using a program called "automatic" that I run as an addon in LibreELEC. It downloads torrents from a RSS-feed to Transmission, and uses regexp for matches.


Any solution that I can use...?



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  • 4 weeks later...

its the file path. i only saying this cause i have used flexget for the past 4 years on a arch linux system. just create a symlink from the flexget folder inside the .config folder to the proper user folder. there should be a tutorial on how to do this on the flexget website.

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I’m wanting to add Flexget to improve the functionality of Transmission.   I see the OP stated he is no longer supporting this.   Does it still work?   I am using linuxserver’s Transmission Docker if it makes a difference.   If this one isn’t working any longer has someone found another one that does?

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ok so after further troubleshooting. creating the symlink did work but created a different DB and kept my scheduler from running. so i finally figure the way this docker works.


bare with me as i am new to the forums but have been following unraid for quite sometime and have been loving it. im usually able to find the answers i seek just by reading a ton of post and tutorials.


installing the app you need to edit the key 4 value box for the password and at least 16 characters long (ex: s0m30n3$p@s$w0rd). even using flexget -c /config/config.yml web passwd s0m30n3$p@s$w0rd. still would not set or change the web pass in the cli like it was being override by the inital value box in the template.


i order to execute, test or run flexget in cli you have to use the file path of the config (command ex:  flexget -c /config/config.yml <command here> ) that prefix is important or you will get the error soder posted above.


here is a copy of my flexget config for a template that i have been using it for years. its simple with a schedule to trigger flexget to run at certains time inbetween intervals. you will need to fill in your own values to specify your environment setup. you can do more as there are tutorial cookbooks of flexgets website. do not copy and paste the template below as yaml is picky when it comes to indentions like you can't use tab to indent but have to press the spacebar 2 twice for indentions. i recommend using notepad++ when editing/creating your config.


  port: 3539
  web_ui: yes

        quality: 720p hdtv h264 webdl
          download: /download/path

    rss: https://rssfeed.here
      Cookie: "uid=uidhere; pass=secretpasshere"      
    template: HDTV
    download: /download/path

  - tasks: task111
      hour: 18-22
      minute: "*/15"



My flexget config



screenshot of flexget webui



Edited by Superman
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伙计们,密码问题没有问题,这个泊坞窗...问题是它不会接受简单的密码,但无法显示错误。使您的密码更复杂,例如“ 〜3jIXLApbb = 8”


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On 5/10/2021 at 6:06 AM, dalben said:

Does anyone know/have a flexget docker that is more updated?  The version in this docker is 2.10.61 (2017-06-13).  The other dockers I found on Apps are just as old, if not older.


sure just edit this one (or make a new one) that looks like this. 





You just need to account for these settings

docker run -d \
    --name=<container name> \
    -p 5050:5050 \
    -v <path for data files>:/data \
    -v <path for config files>:/config \
    -e FG_WEBUI_PASSWD=<desired password> \
    -e FG_LOG_LEVEL=info \
    -e FG_LOG_FILE=flexget.log \
    -e PUID=<UID for user> \
    -e PGID=<GID for user> \
    -e TZ=<timezone> \



and then the version is




If the webui doesn't like your password just open console and type 


flexget web passwd <somepassword>


Other notes from the readme


Additional packages
If there are additional packages you may want to install, create bash script with any name under /config/custom-cont-init.d, for example,

#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
apk add -q --no-cache <alpine pkgs>
pip install <python pkgs>
Then, it will run every container start.

Custom plugins
You can install custom plugins by FG_PLUGINS="{plugin_name_1} {plugin_name_2}" whose value is a space-separated 
list of plugin names. Currently available ones are

write_magnet: Mostly same as built-in convert_magnet but expect better performance and improved error handling,
which is compatible with a version of libtorrent containerized in this image.



I haven't used it yet past logging in to the webui so no idea if something doesn't work.

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  • 1 year later...

@sbaak @dalben

Sorry to revive this post but my activ-flexget docker stopped working and I'm not good enogh with docker to make wiserain one work XD


I made this following Sbaak post:




I'm pretty sure "port 1" is wrong in my config since it's different in Sbaak image, but I don't know how to fix it.


Also don't know where I should add this:


"You just need to account for these settings

docker run -d \

--name=<container name> \ -p 5050:5050 \

-v <path for data files>:/data \

-v <path for config files>:/config \

-e FG_WEBUI_PASSWD=<desired password> \

-e FG_LOG_LEVEL=info \ -e FG_LOG_FILE=flexget.log \

-e PUID=<UID for user> \

-e PGID=<GID for user> \

-e TZ=<timezone> \



If anyone knows how to make it work it would be really helpful.

Thank you very much :D



The docker works with the configuration in my picture, the port is ok. The problem was caused by my old flexget config, the data folder was incorrect so the config could not be loaded.

The only issue I have found is that clicking on "webui" takes me to a blank page, but opening a new page on the browser and typing http://myunraidip:5050 works.

Hopefully everything works fine now, will be testing in the next few days :)

Edited by SggCnn93
attached the picture properly, second edit cause I fixed the problem
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