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mc2xml docker or plugin?


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Does anyone have a docker (or plugin) for the mc2xml utility?



I am looking to get this set up to download listings from titanTV and generate XML file.  Then via the emby docker-xmlTV plugin get the guide data.


if there is no docker or plugin - can anyone comment on if they think it would be hard to install (are there any dependencies, etc)...





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It's not possible as the developer don't allow the use of the software in docker or plugins. This have already been a case here on the forum as a user here made a docker with zap2xml.


great - thanks for the quick reply on this

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Could you use xmltv directly to grab your data?


Hi - not that I know of. New to this but I think it needs the .xml file. 


I'm going to give the zap2 docker a shot, assuming I can find it


does not work anymore




That's because johnodon deleted it after the zap2xml author kicked up a fuss.



found a copy here



will see if it works..

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Could you use xmltv directly to grab your data?


Hi - not that I know of. New to this but I think it needs the .xml file. 


I'm going to give the zap2 docker a shot, assuming I can find it


does not work anymore




That's because johnodon deleted it after the zap2xml author kicked up a fuss.



found a copy here



will see if it works..


I believe johnodon deleted the container that the xml pulls.

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Could you use xmltv directly to grab your data?


Hi - not that I know of. New to this but I think it needs the .xml file. 


I'm going to give the zap2 docker a shot, assuming I can find it


does not work anymore




That's because johnodon deleted it after the zap2xml author kicked up a fuss.

I don't think he ever actually did that.  I banned it within CA, but there's another thread that I maintain here that still lists it, and it still installs
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quick update - I got it working with Emby now.


To get it to work (thanks to Luke) I had to delete the second line of the guide.xml file


<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">


(comment from Luke on Emby forum  "... Just try removing it. It says SYSTEM which i guess means it's supposed to be in some system defined location but i have no idea where that would be for your environment." )


For now I'll just manually delete this line when I need to update the guide data - but is it possible to fix via a docker setting or configuration file?



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