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Application Name: davos

Application Site: https://github.com/linuxserver/davos

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/davos/

Github: https://github.com/linuxserver/davos


Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread.


If you are not using Unraid (and you should be!) then please do not post here, instead head to linuxserver.io to see how to get support

Edited by linuxserver.io
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello I just finish installing the docker however when I click on the docker icon and choose WEBUI it opens a new tab on chrome but its empty. I can manually access the docker by typing the docker ip address:port but not via the WEBUI botton. I know is not my adblock extension on Chrome as I have disable it for my Unraid ip and I also have 10 other dockers and they all open up the correct ip:port on a new tab when I click on the WEBUI.

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Hello I just finish installing the docker however when I click on the docker icon and choose WEBUI it opens a new tab on chrome but its empty. I can manually access the docker by typing the docker ip address:port but not via the WEBUI botton. I know is not my adblock extension on Chrome as I have disable it for my Unraid ip and I also have 10 other dockers and they all open up the correct ip:port on a new tab when I click on the WEBUI.


Yeah, it's an error in the template, just fixed in our repo.


Edit the container, switch on the advanced option and change:







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  • 1 month later...

This is an enhancement I have been considering for a little while. There's currently a backlog for the next minor update to davos, including a few things that might take some time to complete (I'm the only guy working on it at the moment). I've added a new issue on Github and will see what I can do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, I have set everything up yet nothing seems to be happening. It says running next to the folder but no files are being downloaded.


There are no warnings or errors in the logs and I am sure all paths and relevant usernames/passwords are correct.  What can I do to troubleshoot this?

The most likely reason for a schedule run not picking up any files is that any defined filters are not matching files it finds in the given folder. You can test this by creating another schedule identical to your current one, but with no filters defined. If it starts downloading every file in that folder, you know it's a filter issue.


Another thing to do is first set the application log level to DEBUG (in App Settings), create an identical copy of your schedule (including filters) and then run it. Attach the davos.log file so I can see.


A future feature of davos will be to wipe the "files in last run" so creating new schedules isn't required.

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  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, camens said:

Enjoying davos very much.  I know that you have a filter option for what to download.....any plans on adding another filter for what you don't want to download? 

Great idea! I've got a massive backlog of stuff to add to the next iteration (including a pretty major bug fix for lost connections). If you could add it as a feature request to the GitHub page, that'd be helpful. 


As I'm the only developer of davos, I don't get much free time to work on it (I'm a full time Engineer) so apologies for delays in updates. 


Thanks for using it. Any feedback is good feedback :)

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  • 4 months later...

Hi.. trying to setup davos to download any new files. 


It can talk to the ftp server fine but has an issue writing the file to the HDD. The error is contained in the attached log. 


Please note. I have tried both /download and the entry  /mnt/user/downloads/. Neither work. 


Yes.. the folder in question has write permissions (777)


Any guidance would be appreciated.


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47 minutes ago, djcslip said:

Hi.. trying to setup davos to download any new files. 


It can talk to the ftp server fine but has an issue writing the file to the HDD. The error is contained in the attached log. 


Please note. I have tried both /download and the entry  /mnt/user/downloads/. Neither work. 


Yes.. the folder in question has write permissions (777)


Any guidance would be appreciated.



Looking at the logs it's struggling to create the initial stream for it to download to. This usually happens when the folder directory  doesn't exist. If you're using Docker, the path you provided "/mnt/user/downloads" won't be visible inside the container, only "/download" is. 


Double check your volume mapping when initialising the container in Docker. It may be you got them backwards (theory based on neither directory working for you). 


Can I see your container config too?

Edited by Stark
Typo fix
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That's great, thanks.


So, interestingly I can see in the logs that despite you mapping "/mnt/user/downloads/" to "/download", the application logs are still referencing "/mnt/user/downloads". Are these logs from a particular attempt or do they match what you're showing me here? That is why the schedule is failing: the directory path does not exist.


Based on your Schedule setup, you are correctly referencing Host and Local Directory, so that's not the problem. It's this line that interests me:


2017-07-24 11:01:06.704 -  INFO - [FilesAndFoldersTranferStrategy] - Downloading <REDACTED> to  /mnt/user/downloads/

It is saying that davos is about to download the matched file to "/mnt/user/downloads/" which can only be defined in the Schedule setup, however, your screengrab shows it as being "/download".


This log is generated here: https://github.com/linuxserver/davos/blob/master/src/main/java/io/linuxserver/davos/schedule/workflow/transfer/FilesAndFoldersTranferStrategy.java#L26

And this method is called here: https://github.com/linuxserver/davos/blob/master/src/main/java/io/linuxserver/davos/schedule/workflow/DownloadFilesWorkflowStep.java#L50


Is it possible to create some fresh logs (with "/download" as your Local Directory) as I think the previous log file is a red herring.

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7 hours ago, djcslip said:



Cheers.. log attached.


That's really annoyed me as i originally set it to /download - changed it to /mnt/user/downloads/ as a test


It has now downloaded a folder... but not the files in the folder.?





I hope this isn't a silly question but is the folder that davos found empty? The logs are telling me that it got as far as observing it found a directory, so created a local version ready to iterate over its contents, but there weren't any files to iterate over, so it finished processing. Also based on the scan, it only perceived that one folder to be new (everything it saw previously was ignored, as it expected).

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I appreciate this is a bit infuriating. I'm currently in the process of adding more DEBUG logging to the latest version of davos which is still a work in progress. I spent some time last night running a local version of the application, pointing to a testing FTP server and was happily able to recursively download all files in that folder. This was using the same "*" filter you used. I'll see if I can push forward the release of 2.2.0 to help with this but for now I apologise I am unable to help you further.


If you have access to the FTP server, it may be worth attempting to read from a different folder, or at least create a testing directory on the host just to confirm any theories you may have. If you have indeed found a bug, I'd certainly like to know so I can fix it!

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On 24/07/2017 at 10:10 PM, djcslip said:

@Stark defintely had files in the folders.. tried a few times also removed filters. Given up for now.. will have another look another time. 


I have released version 2.2.0 of davos, which amongst other things includes a bit more verbose debug logging. Let me know how you get on. I've also written up some documentation for the application, which can be found here: https://davos.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


If I have missed anything out or if you have any further questions, please do let me know. Happy to help.

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  • 1 month later...

I am having "permission" issues downloaded/writing to folder. The folder i believe is open to be written to, but it will not write to it. 


"Error was: Unable to write to local directory. "


I tried this without filters. and With filters.


I "think" i have the directory right.




So when I download something

"Seedbox" directory will be my main local path \


So if I have a folder on my computer as "Seedbox\filestodownload\etc\stupid"


Then my download path would be "\filestodownload\etc\stupid" if I want them in the "stupid folder?


so this is what I have as my "local" download folder settings in davos




is this "wrong"?

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Maybe I confused you two.


But thanks for the fast replies.


the host is CORRECT, it sees the FILES.


The Local folder says CANNOT WRITE TO.


I even tried local with just /


So it should write to the / folder right? It does not, says it does NOT have write permission








Local directory NEEDS '/download' in the path. I think this was "given" when setup



So even though i mapped '/mnt/usr/Seedbox/' to '/download' in the settings. My local download path NEEDS /download/ for the program to download to '/Seedbox/'


Does that make sense? I think it SHOULDN'T need the /download/ in the local path as its implied.


So in my picture above on the settings, if I want it in "/Seedbox/red-apl/data" even though I mapped "/Seedbox/" as '/download/' for Davos I have to put "/download/red-apl/data" as my local download location. Will test in a moment (on a larger download)


Request for added Feature:


Be able to Toggle View of the files downloading to "collapsing" what is being downloaded. If the list is 3,000 files, I would like to be able to collapse it and open it to view the files which are and are NOT being downloaded?

Edited by Nyghthawk
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