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Remove 2 defectives drives


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Hi, im new to unraid i have a big problem and i dont know what to do, sry for my english this is not my mother thong


I have finished the migration of my data to my new array. I added a parity disk and started the process, the problem is that there seems to be 2 defective disks and the parity would take 2356 days to complete ... I would like to copy the data from my 2  defective drives and removed them from the array and then add my parity disk. Someone can tell me the best way to do it without loosing my data.


If I exclude the 2 disks in my shares and I copy the data of the drives with Krusader it will work?


I hate Seagate drive, it's the 4th that falls defective, Western digital is really better ...




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10 minutes ago, FreeMan said:

What indicates to you that these are "defective"?


Post the full diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics) zip file.


Im not at home right now but in the error section i got more than 2k of error and in the main tab i got a triangle in front of this drive. Also my unraid web gui stop responding so i think theses drives are defect. When i ll be at home i ll start Tools -> Diagnostics


Meanwhile I did research and i think the best way to process would be:

1: Edit my share and remove/exclude thes 2 drives from my movies share
2: Using Krusader copy data from /mnt/disk2 to /mnt/User/Movies

3: Using Krusader copy data from /mnt/disk6 to /mnt/User/Movies

4: Use New Config to unassign removed from the array

5: Assign new parity drive and lets rebuit


Correct me if im wrong i dont want to make a error and loose my data

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Your dashboard is showing disks 2,5,12 with warnings, but you said disk6 for some reason. Why?


And disks 2,5,12 all have actual disk problems.


What exactly do you mean when you say you have finished the migration? Does the original data not still exist on another system?


If you still have the original data then I would forget about those bad disks, New Config without them, build parity before you get in even more trouble, then get the rest of the data from the original system.



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1 minute ago, trurl said:

Did you test any of these drives before using them? Every bit of every disk must be reliable because every bit of every disk is required to rebuild a disabled or missing disk.


No, i dont tested each disk before adding it to the array it was my bad :S So i want to remove the bad drive from my array, i ll reboot the server to see if it can mount again. If its the case could you show me the best way to copy my data and remove it to my array i hope it ll mount again the time i ll copy my data :S

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5 minutes ago, trurl said:

So are you saying that you don't have another copy of any of your data? You absolutely must have a backup plan. unRAID parity is no substitute for backups.

yeah i know but when you have 30 tb its prety hard to backup lol I migrating from windows to have a bit of parity anyway its movie and tv show not precious picture or memory so if i loose it i can d/l it again

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Just because a drive is flagged as unmountable is that it is dead is not normally meaning that the drive is dead - just that there is file system corruption.   This is often caused by cabling and/or power issues rather than the drive itself.   Putting the array into Maintenance mode and running a file system check on the disk will show if this is the case, and then give you the option to run in 'fix' mode to make the data on it available again.

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5 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Just because a drive is flagged as unmountable is that it is dead is not normally meaning that the drive is dead - just that there is file system corruption.   This is often caused by cabling and/or power issues rather than the drive itself.   Putting the array into Maintenance mode and running a file system check on the disk will show if this is the case, and then give you the option to run in 'fix' mode to make the data on it available again.


Im pretty sure this drive is about to die, i dont realy trust this seagate drive anyway i just rebooted the server and started the array in maintenance mode now my drive is mounting fine but im scare i want to copy my data to my new WD red and remove the probably faulty drive


Im running i file systeme check right now, How long it normally takes 


*Again sry for my english 

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I cancel the Check because in less than 5 min i have now more than  2015 errors on this disk so i dont want to check it i want to remove it :P 

Someone can tell me the best way to copy my data to another disk and removed the defective disk from my array






After a reboot the drive is now missing 

Tested it with Seagate tool and the drive failed all test





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Disk 5 SMART looked OK in your diagnostics, and it didn't have any warnings on the Dashboard. Probably just a connection issue with that drive. The other drives we already mentioned should not be used in your array. Not only are they bad for any data on them, but they could compromise a rebuild of any other disk.


Having a backup plan doesn't necessarily mean you have to backup everything. You just need to decide what to backup, do it, and keep doing it.


If you have any data on your array that is both irreplaceable and important to you, you should copy that data to another system before you do anything else. Then we can decide how to proceed to get your array healthy.

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Also. it's highly recommended that you DON'T DO ANYTHING - even a reboot - without specific advice. There are very few people who have lost data by exactly following the instructions of the experts on these boards. Usually, data loss comes from those who keep trying random things without knowing what they're doing or don't follow the instructions given to them.

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14 minutes ago, trurl said:

Disk 5 SMART looked OK in your diagnostics, and it didn't have any warnings on the Dashboard. Probably just a connection issue with that drive. The other drives we already mentioned should not be used in your array. Not only are they bad for any data on them, but they could compromise a rebuild of any other disk.


Having a backup plan doesn't necessarily mean you have to backup everything. You just need to decide what to backup, do it, and keep doing it.


If you have any data on your array that is both irreplaceable and important to you, you should copy that data to another system before you do anything else. Then we can decide how to proceed to get your array healthy.


Disk 5 was defect i run the Seagate tools on 2 other computer and the drive was not responding also tested with 1 other sata cable. I ll backup the data from disk 2 and 12 on my pc


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3 minutes ago, FreeMan said:

Also. it's highly recommended that you DON'T DO ANYTHING - even a reboot - without specific advice. There are very few people who have lost data by exactly following the instructions of the experts on these boards. Usually, data loss comes from those who keep trying random things without knowing what they're doing or don't follow the instructions given to them.


I ll follow the recommandation, i dont want to loose data anymore 3tb is enough xD

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1 minute ago, nicecube said:


Disk 5 was defect i run the Seagate tools on 2 other computer and the drive was not responding also tested with 1 other sata cable. I ll backup the data from disk 2 and 12 on my pc


What about disk6? That disk needs to be removed from your array too.


And you should go ahead and consider right now if any of the files on any of the good disks are both irreplaceable and important to you, and back those up to another system too.


Are you absolutely sure disk5 is bad? I am skeptical. The SMART for disk5 was OK in your diagnostics, and unRAID did not show it as having any SMART issues in the Dashboard screenshot you posted.


Try again to get disk5 to work. Be sure to check the power connection as well as the SATA connection, both ends. Try a different port. And speaking of power, what is the exact model of your power supply? With so many disks it's possible you have a power issue.

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2 minutes ago, trurl said:

What about disk6? That disk needs to be removed from your array too.


And you should go ahead and consider right now if any of the files on any of the good disks are both irreplaceable and important to you, and back those up to another system too.


Are you absolutely sure disk5 is bad? I am skeptical. The SMART for disk5 was OK in your diagnostics, and unRAID did not show it as having any SMART issues in the Dashboard screenshot you posted.


Try again to get disk5 to work. Be sure to check the power connection as well as the SATA connection, both ends. Try a different port. And speaking of power, what is the exact model of your power supply? With so many disks it's possible you have a power issue.


Disc 6 is good, I got confused with disk 5 I was not at home when I wrote the message, 


Disk 5 was tester on another PC with another sata cable definitely dead, I will test it tomorrow at work but I have little hope that it works again


2017-09-04 15:21:16
Model Number: ST3000DM001-1ER166
Serial Number: Z5011Z4Y
Firmware Revision: CC25
Fix All Long - FAIL 2017-09-04 15:51:21
SeaTools Test Code: F369AACB
All the data on the array was good, but i dont have another 30Tb for the backup 


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I'm not asking you to backup entire disks. I am asking you to consider if there are any irreplaceable and important files that are not backed up anywhere. If they are irreplaceable and important, then you absolutely must have additional copies of them somewhere.


Don't be like the guy who's wife was going to kill him because he lost all the family photos.


You're right about disk 5 / 6. I was getting confused too. Disk5 needs to be replaced. Maybe it can't be read now. Disk6 is OK.


I still want to know the exact model of your power supply before we proceed to get your array started.

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