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3 minutes ago, skank said:

crap it still doesnt move !!

i set it to 55gig

the file is 50 gig

it doesnt move

Most of your disks are full. As noted

38 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Also note that split level overrides allocation method.

If your split level says that file belongs with similar files then it will try to put them on the same possibly full disk.


Also your diagnostics show 2 shares anonymized as F---s, do you have 2 shares like that?


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4 hours ago, skank said:

the file is 50 gig

it doesnt move

3 hours ago, skank said:

i want to have the movie files on 1 disk together

3 hours ago, trurl said:

Most of your disks are full.

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1        1.9T  1.9T   12G 100% /mnt/disk1
/dev/md2        1.9T  1.9T   18G 100% /mnt/disk2
/dev/md3        1.9T  1.9T  1.1G 100% /mnt/disk3
/dev/md4        1.9T  1.9T  1.3G 100% /mnt/disk4
/dev/md5        2.8T  2.7T   36G  99% /mnt/disk5
/dev/md6        2.8T  2.8T   17G 100% /mnt/disk6
/dev/md7        5.5T   40G  5.5T   1% /mnt/disk7



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If the mover is still trying to move the file to a disk without enough space it's the split level setting, note that a folder would be created when the first move was attempted, after that, even with the corrected minimum space, if the split level requires to keep all files on the same folder it will again try to copy to the same disk, you'd need to manually deleted the folder, or move it to another disk if there are other files there.

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55 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

If the mover is still trying to move the file to a disk without enough space it's the split level setting, note that a folder would be created when the first move was attempted, after that, even with the corrected minimum space, if the split level requires to keep all files on the same folder it will again try to copy to the same disk, you'd need to manually deleted the folder, or move it to another disk if there are other files there.

you mean the folder "Films" on my cache containing the movie "Movie x"?

Move the movie back to the download folder on the cache, delete the "Films" folder on the cache

Make a new folder on the cache "Films"

Cut and past the "Movie x" back into the "Films"

click on mover


tried that, still no go


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No, I mean if there's a folder for that movie on any of the data disks, assuming you create a folder for each movie inside the share, if that's not the case them please post an example of the path used.


Also there's an f---s share and and an f---s(1) share, you should only have one of those, there could be two shares with different capitalization, Linux is case sensitive, Windows isn't.

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5 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

No, I mean if there's a folder for that movie on any of the data disks, assuming you create a folder for each movie inside the share, if that's not the case them please post an example of the path used.



EUREKA!  That was it, its moving now. Thx mate !


Not sure what you mean with the f-s share

those are 2 different folders

- films

- fotos

its not with cases in it

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22 minutes ago, skank said:

Not sure what you mean with the f-s share

those are 2 different folders

- films

- fotos

its not with cases in it

I had mentioned that earlier. When you anonymize your diagnostics, we can't tell the actual name of any shares, we only get the first and last letter, with any letters in between replaced with -  .  Take a look at those diagnostics you uploaded, look in the shares folder. Might be interesting to you to look at other things in there as well, it is all text. Many of the files are just settings from the webUI.


And because of DOS/Windows naming conventions, the files in the diagnostics are not case-sensitive, but on the actual server the share names and practically everything else is.


Often, people will accidentally create shares with the same names except for upper/lower case, by incorrectly specifying a path in docker mappings or somewhere. This actually results in different shares, but they look the same in the diagnostics, except they get (1) appended since you can't have 2 files with the same path.


This can also confuse the user share settings, since often the settings file will be for a share that doesn't even exist, and the similarly named share will have no settings file, so gets default settings. In your case, I could see that both shares existed because diagnostics said they both had files.

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