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First place it on your cache drive and setup it up according to the guide.

Then you can use my go script and My_YAMJ.sh script to run. yoy need to change my scripts according to the location you used.


and when do i install eversion then?

where can i download eversion?

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First place it on your cache drive and setup it up according to the guide.

Then you can use my go script and My_YAMJ.sh script to run. yoy need to change my scripts according to the location you used.


Tried it, but all things are messed up.


All in one package from internet

Youre go and mayjamj script

Then the guide from limetech using his things

ahh way messed up ; and i still want a step by step thing to setup eversion on unraid

A clean install from 0

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Will it scan your movies now?  Mine looks to be scanning correctly.  It should take about 1.5 hours before I know for sure...



yes it works :) one step closer

Now i have other things.. it says mediainfo isnt working....


And an error like this:




  /mnt/user/AllData/Media/YAMJ/./skins/eversion/categories.xsl (No such file or                                                                                                                                directory)

HTMLWriter: Failed generating HTML library category index.

javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Failed to compile stylesh                                                                                                                              eet. 1 error detected.

        at net.sf.saxon.PreparedStylesheet.prepare(PreparedStylesheet.java:209)

        at net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplates(TransformerFactoryIm                                                                                                                              pl.java:131)

        at net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer(TransformerFactory                                                                                                                              Impl.java:86)

        at com.moviejukebox.writer.MovieJukeboxHTMLWriter.getTransformer(MovieJu                                                                                                                              keboxHTMLWriter.java:455)

        at com.moviejukebox.writer.MovieJukeboxHTMLWriter.generateMoviesCategory                                                                                                                              HTML(MovieJukeboxHTMLWriter.java:316)

        at com.moviejukebox.MovieJukebox.generateLibrary(MovieJukebox.java:909)

        at com.moviejukebox.MovieJukebox.main(MovieJukebox.java:347)





Now what did i do: i used yamj version from limewire, and took somethings from the eversion all in one package, and just copy paste it into the one from limewire, thats probably causing it

now i need to find a proper install from eversion


did you install yamj from limetech, or did you take your own version from the yamj download site?

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Skank -


All this is new to me.  I play around with computers but don't know more than I know.


I stayed pretty cookbook with my install.  I followed this thread from the beginning to a 'T'.  I installed yamj on my laptop and scanned my movies (using the step by step guide found here: http://code.google.com/p/moviejukebox/wiki/StepByStepInstall.  I copied the index file and jukebox folder that it generated to my unRaid and saw how it looked on my Popcorn Hour.  I refined my naming schemes for those movies and shows that had missing artwork, deleted the jukebox and index files and ran it again, and again, and again until my movie wall was pristine.  I then changed my skin to Aeon and rescanned again.  Once that was perfect I moved forward.


Then I used this thread to install yamj on my unRaid.  I even changed the name of my share to Movies so I wouldn't have to change any scripts.  I used the URL that is listed about 8 posts up that someone posted for me for the install files.  I copied it into my Movies folder.  I used http://code.google.com/p/moviejukebox/downloads/list for the latest stable version of yamj and copied it on top of the one I downloaded figuring the bundled install had an older yamj version in it.  I changed my skin to Aeon.  Ran the script, got the permissions error, searched this thread and found a solution and it ran great.  1.5 hours to run and my Movie Wall is spot on. 


I don't know anything about Enversion to help you, but...  Are you sure you have Java installed?  There is also a media file that must be dropped into the media info file, if I remember correctly.  Please read the code.google.com step by step page and maybe something will jump out at you that you forgot to do.  You are really close to getting it done, you just have to look for the last bit.


Good Luck.

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There is also a media file that must be dropped into the media info file, if I remember correctly.  Please read the code.google.com step by step page and maybe something will jump out at you that you forgot to do.  You are really close to getting it done, you just have to look for the last bit.


Good Luck.


This sound strange?

What file must be dropped?

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Again, JRE is out of date here and not working, which one should i get?

The same for the Mediainfo, out of date and not working...


I use:



and mediainfo-rar (includes ISO file info extraction):



thank you

and do i have to do anything special to make mediainfo work?


You have links for latest yamj and latest eversion too please?

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still get the couldnt find cli mediainfo execcutable tool, video file wont be extracted

also get 2 errors:

user properties file ./skins/Eversion/skin-user.properties not found

user properties file ./skins/Eversion/overlay.properties not found


rest seems ok so far its processing


but i still need to fix those 3 things

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Ensure that you changed permissions for mediainfo executable (chmod +x mediainfo).

Be careful with case-sensitivity (mediaInfo/mediainfo).


For the Eversion errors, these are not errors, just warnings...

The skin-user.properties file is a user made file which can contain settings which override the skin.properties file.


A little tip for people using multiple network shares with Eversion and PCH series 2 : don't forget to add the following code in esetting.xml :




If you don't add this, you won't be able to play movie files from Eversion interface when using multiple network shares. I spent a lot of time on this problem...

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This is from the step by step guide link I posted:


Download MediaInfo from HERE

Note: You must download the CLI version of MediaInfo (look for CLI in the filename)

If you are on windows 32bit get the package MediaInfo_CLI_x.x.x.x_Windows_i386.zip

If you are on Windows 64bit get the package MediaInfo_CLI_x.x.x.x_Windows_x64.zip

If you are on Mac get the package MediaInfo_CLI_x.x.x_Mac_Universal.dmg

If you are on another operating system, choose the appropriate package.

NOTE: If you are on Mac or Linux you may need to make the mediainfo.exe file executable before it will be recognised by YAMJ: chmod 755 *.exe

In the YAMJ folder create a new folder and name it MediaInfo (no spaces) extract the files into that folder


and I agree with the above, those are not errors and will not stall your scan.

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  • 2 months later...

I've got a question, if someone could help


I've got YAMJ setup and running as per instructions in this thread which I access through a Popcron hour. i've tried both aeon movie wall and eversion with the iSkin2, stuck with the later its a must have if you got an idevice to control it with.


I have just two shares movies & tvshows which are being scanned.


would it be worth while to move YAMJ and other generated files ( jukebox, index.html ) to the cache drive ? would it speed things up ? not that I think it's slow but faster would obviously be better.


Any thoughts ?

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  • 1 month later...

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