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Missing Files/Folders (solved)


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I would like to double check with the community on my situation, hoping i haven't done things incorrectly.


I had a drive fail on me. Ive checked the cables, swapped them around and still the same drive had a red X.

Steps i have done so far:

Stopped array

Unassigned failed drive

Stated array

New config

Stated parity sync.


I have about 6hrs to go on my parity sync, but i have noticed some folders are missing from my shares.

Now in fairly certain that the failed drive didnt contain these folders to begin with.


Question is - How do i look at the contents of that drive again? once parity is done, can i just put it back into the array to check? or will i need to run newconfig again and rebuild parity?

Or do some folders go missing during a parity sync/rebuild?




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48 minutes ago, bdydrp said:

Stopped array

Unassigned failed drive

Stated array

New config

Stated parity sync.


Assume "stated" is a typo for "started". Since it isn't possible to do a New Config with the array started, this can't be exactly what you did. In any case, what it sounds like what you did is the wrong thing to do.


You should have rebuilt the data disk. Instead, you have rebuilt parity without the data disk. Which means there is no way now to rebuild the data disk.


Is the unassigned "failed" drive still installed? That would make it simpler to get us the full information we need to tell you how to proceed. 


Go to Tools - Diagnostics and post the complete diagnostics zip.


Obviously, you should have asked first.

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2 hours ago, bdydrp said:

Just clarify also, i am not replacing the drive with a new one - Just removing it entirely

Data on the the unassigned drive won't be on the array anymore, if you wanted that data your needed to replace the disk instead of doing a new config, you can mount that disk using the UD plugin and copy all data you can to the array once the parity sync finishes, but since the disk has some pending sectors you're likely going to lose some data.



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