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Quad Port NIC


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I need someone to help me choose a used quad port nic of ebay, pref intel.

This will be the 4th card iv bought, all not working on my unraid system ?


I want to pass the card through to use on a VM but so far i have had no joy.


i have previously tried the below cards

intel i350-t4 v2

intel pro/1000pt

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On 8/27/2018 at 12:47 AM, 1812 said:

evidently the search function is broken on your computer. the intel pro works fine if you do it right.


evidently your abit of a "wise guy"

Also the video you posted is irrelevant to my situation as my cards have the same id's as my onboard nic


Iv followed all the steps correctly.



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5 hours ago, WingsGB said:

evidently your abit of a "wise guy"




when someone walks in after using 4 different cards and can't make it work, can't easily search and see that others have made at least one of those cards work, but still infers it is the OS fault and not user error, yeah, I am just a bit.



5 hours ago, WingsGB said:

Also the video you posted is irrelevant to my situation as my cards have the same id's as my onboard nic


how could someone possibly provide you to a solution when you did not give complete information about what the real problem was? had you stated that was your issue, or even posted diagnostics, I would have pointed you in the direction of the xen-pciback.hide fix, and you'd be thanking me for being a "wise guy" but in a different sense.


I'm glad you finally were able to figure it out since you had all the information you needed already, and were able to fix the search function on your computer.



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8 hours ago, 1812 said:

can't easily search


Why do you keep assuming i cant search? Iv have searched and followed what everyone has suggested.


8 hours ago, 1812 said:

how could someone possibly provide you to a solution when you did not give complete information about what the real problem was?


Yes i apologize for not explaining my situation better but you never asked and instead jumped to being a dick.



8 hours ago, 1812 said:

I would have pointed you in the direction of the xen-pciback.hide fix, and you'd be thanking me for being a "wise guy" but in a different sense.


Well Saarg was very helpful and already pointed me towards xen-pciback.hide but it still dosen't work. Unless your telling me you know a Fix as to why its not working. If thats the case then its not user error as you have suggested.


8 hours ago, 1812 said:

I'm glad you finally were able to figure it out since you had all the information you needed already, and were able to fix the search function on your computer. 


Again dunno why you still trying to be a wise guy aha. Did you actually read the link i posted.

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2 hours ago, WingsGB said:


Why do you keep assuming i cant search? Iv have searched and followed what everyone has suggested.



Yes i apologize for not explaining my situation better but you never asked and instead jumped to being a dick.




Well Saarg was very helpful and already pointed me towards xen-pciback.hide but it still dosen't work. Unless your telling me you know a Fix as to why its not working. If thats the case then its not user error as you have suggested.



Again dunno why you still trying to be a wise guy aha. Did you actually read the link i posted.


Nope, and I didn’t read any of the other stuff either.


If you want help, and since you can’t articulate what what appears to be 1-2 problems, try to start the vm and after the error occurs post your diagnostics zip (tools>diagnostics)


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3 hours ago, 1812 said:

Nope, and I didn’t read any of the other stuff either.

What is your problem, what is the point of you replying if you cant be bothered. Yet you are quick enough to comment when you don't know the details fully because you never asked.. As i said you are a dick and i would rather you didn't reply with your unhelpful suggestions.



3 hours ago, 1812 said:

try to start the vm and after the error occurs post your diagnostics zip (tools>diagnostics)


Again this is unrelated to my situation, i am not going to even bother explaining why just for you to, not read it, criticize and post something unrelated.

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5 minutes ago, WingsGB said:

What is your problem, what is the point of you replying if you cant be bothered. Yet you are quick enough to comment when you don't know the details fully because you never asked.. As i said you are a dick and i would rather you didn't reply with your unhelpful suggestions.




Again this is unrelated to my situation, i am not going to even bother explaining why just for you to, not read it, criticize and post something unrelated.

So, you’re going to complain about me (and call me names) for not asking for details and providing you with a standard solution to a similar common problem you couldn’t really define, and then criticize me for asking for details provided in the diagnostics zip to try and see what is really going on with your server since you have zero clue?


got it.


I was attempting to move beyond your self-defensive name calling and help you out. But I guess I’ll just sit back with my intel quad port nic in my server that is currently 100% operational, split between 2 VMs. Because clearly I don’t know how to make that work or help anyone find a solution.


Good luck figuring out passthrough. Maybe someone else will help you while you sling insults at them.

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You are just bitter because i called you out at the very start for jumping to conclusion and criticizing me for not using the search function when infact i had searched prior and posted in other topics regarding the matter before creating this thread. I already went through diagnosis steps and came to a conclusion. So why repeat in this thread?

All i wanted/ asked was for confirmation of what cards work with my system........


I am stating a fact.


1st post. You made a unnecessary comment which set the tone.

2nd. I replied with a link to all my diagnosis and tests, confirming i have done your precious searching

3rd. You carried on arguing for no reason 

4th post. I even apologized 

5th post. you still ignored everything


The cherry ontop for you wise guy comments :)

You suggested you had a pciback fix and it was user error, But no no no, you are bigger and better than that, you never read it. You continued to bitch and post another irrelevant suggestion. wow.........


Maybe i have zero clue but its better than blindly posting generic solutions. This is a hobby for me and i don't pretend i know everything, i wouldn't shoot you down if you came into my trade for a day.



Good luck figuring out passthrough. Maybe someone else will help you while you sling insults at them.

If you check my previous posts you will find its all in a polite manner. Just not to people not worth the time.












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6 hours ago, WingsGB said:

You are just bitter because i called you out at the very start for jumping to conclusion and criticizing me for not using the search function when infact i had searched prior and posted in other topics regarding the matter before creating this thread.

you sound soooo butt hurt about this. do you need a cream?


6 hours ago, WingsGB said:

I already went through diagnosis steps and came to a conclusion. So why repeat in this thread?


maybe because the right person to help you didn't see it before? Hence why you made a new thread, to get NEW input.... or did you make it just to complain? it's one or the other. And in either case you're in the wrong.

6 hours ago, WingsGB said:

All i wanted/ asked was for confirmation of what cards work with my system........

I told you the intel quad works. I also told you I'm using one right now in ways beyond your imagination.  And I had to do some sorcery to make it work. But, evidently this is what I get by trying to help you.


6 hours ago, WingsGB said:

I am stating a fact.


1st post. You made a unnecessary comment which set the tone.

2nd. I replied with a link to all my diagnosis and tests, confirming i have done your precious searching

3rd. You carried on arguing for no reason 

4th post. I even apologized 

5th post. you still ignored everything


Nice alternative facts. The real truth: I offered help, you chose to call me a dick. Reap what you sow. Am I completely blameless here, no. But you're no Snow White either, so drop the act. 


6 hours ago, WingsGB said:

The cherry ontop for you wise guy comments :)

Again with the name calling. Does it make you feel like you're getting closer to fixing your problem? Is your working hypothesis that if you get on the internet and call someone names enough, eventually your network cards will just start working? This would be a great video for Linus tech tips to do! (I'm a fan, b-t-dubs)


6 hours ago, WingsGB said:

You suggested you had a pciback fix and it was user error, But no no no, you are bigger and better than that, you never read it. You continued to bitch and post another irrelevant suggestion. wow.........

I asked for fresh diagnostics, a standard first step in identifying a problem. It allows others to see your syslinux.cfg (not copy and pasted), logs, and everything else going on with your system. I didn't want to see older diagnostics. I wanted a current snapshot. But clearly you don't have 30 seconds of time to create and post them, but you have tons of time to waste engaging in an online pissing contest. Priorities, you got 'em!



6 hours ago, WingsGB said:

Maybe i have zero clue but its better than blindly posting generic solutions. This is a hobby for me and i don't pretend i know everything, i wouldn't shoot you down if you came into my trade for a day.

Solutions proposed to your issue match with the near non-existent descriptions of the problem. This situation is as if you asked what color the sky was. I told you "look up, it's blue." You then said you meant "the color of the sky at sunset." I then said it was "orangish-red, I would have told you that had you been specific." You then said "no, you don't understand, that's not the answer, I mean the color of the sky when looking north-east from Australia and I'M NOT TELLING YOU ANY MORE INFORMATION BECAUSE I ALREADY TALKED TO OTHER PEOPLE DICKHEAD."


It's also nice that you "wouldn't shoot [me] down if came into [your] trade for a day." Bet that makes you feel like the bigger person. Again, you have an alternative view of the situation and can't comprehend that assistance was offered, and you instead decided pitch a fit and name call. 

6 hours ago, WingsGB said:

If you check my previous posts you will find its all in a polite manner. Just not to people with the solution to my problem in a situation that I completely misinterpreted, which then agitated my oversensitive read end, and in my frustration and eRage decided to call names. So now I'm wasting my time and theirs trying to defend my internet honor instead of just posting fresh diagnostics, which, at this time, will probably not even be looked at because I would rather wrap my internet angst around me like a warm blanket than try to fix my problem. In the future, I should try to not be so sensitive about people who are genuinely offering me help, even if their personalities can at times be a bit abrasive. Because in the end, we're all people. And the Unraid forums are here for assistance, and not name calling and being dismissive of another individual offering assistance (even if I don't like the package.)


I fixed this post for you ^^^^



Post whatever you need to post in response to feel better about yourself ( more name calling/misrepresentation of the events/etc.) I'm done with this thread. 


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13 hours ago, WingsGB said:

and posted in other topics regarding the matter before creating this thread. I already went through diagnosis steps and came to a conclusion. So why repeat in this thread?

It's normally a good idea to add links to other threads if you have already debated a problem there. Just because people reading this thread doesn't keep track of what you write in other threads. Or what help you have already received. To you, this might be your "main thread" to get help with an issue. To other people, this is just a single thread among hundreds of other. So we normally only relate to text written in this thread - or clearly linked from this thread.


A good initial post is a great investment, when the goal is to get help.

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15 hours ago, 1812 said:

I told you the intel quad works. I also told you I'm using one right now in ways beyond your imagination.  And I had to do some sorcery to make it work. But, evidently this is what I get by trying to help you.


That is not what i asked, I asked for a card that works in MY System. I know the card works but obviously there is a compatibility issue or something because it works in 2 of my builds but not in another. The builds it works on don't use the same IDS.


Yes i should of said in more detail at the start but i apologized for this, You couldn't stop though.




15 hours ago, 1812 said:

I asked for fresh diagnostics, a standard first step in identifying a problem.

You asked me to run my VM which isnt even created on this system yet because that is not the issue, but like i said above. I didn't want to go any further and explain that, for you not to read again.


It was my understanding that My Network card should not show up in unraid network settings.


8 hours ago, pwm said:

It's normally a good idea to add links to other threads if you have already debated a problem there. Just because people reading this thread doesn't keep track of what you write in other threads. Or what help you have already received. To you, this might be your "main thread" to get help with an issue. To other people, this is just a single thread among hundreds of other. So we normally only relate to text written in this thread - or clearly linked from this thread.


A good initial post is a great investment, when the goal is to get help.


Yes i see that now but I was the first to apologies for not doing that exact thing.



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  • 1 month later...
On 8/26/2018 at 3:48 AM, WingsGB said:

I need someone to help me choose a used quad port nic of ebay, pref intel.

This will be the 4th card iv bought, all not working on my unraid system ?


I want to pass the card through to use on a VM but so far i have had no joy.


i have previously tried the below cards

intel i350-t4 v2

intel pro/1000pt

i Have the one from microtik Rb44Ge works perfect  here is my iommu and even better it is much cheaper than intel 

IOMMU group 22:[1969:1063] 20:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)

IOMMU group 23:[1969:1063] 21:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)

IOMMU group 24:[1969:1063] 22:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)

IOMMU group 25:[1969:1063] 23:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)



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