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Unable to upgrade from 6.3.5 to the latest


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49 minutes ago, jang430 said:



Hi.  I'm currently on 6.3.5, whenever I click Download Now, I get 



Then nothing happens.  What can I do?

Is your flash device out of space?  What about issues with your ISP?  As an alternative, you could always use the USB Flash Creator to manually upgrade your flash (https://unraid.net/download).

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5 minutes ago, jang430 said:

Are everything that's important inside the config folder?  That's the only folder to copy?  Any particular way to backup the flash drive?  You mean I use the same flash drive so I no longer need a new license file right? 



Everything specific to a particular installation is in the config folder on flash, unless you have intentionally created additional folders for some reason. unRAID itself will not create or write to any other flash folders.


The license .key file is also in that same config folder.


Just take the flash drive to a PC and make a backup copy of the config folder to restore to the new install.

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