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Move all data from reiserfs disk to new xfs disk?


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I have 2 disks in my array which are still reiserfs, both are almost 90+% full. I have installed 2 new disks gone through clearing and formatted to XFS.

I don't want to use explorer to copy and or move I believe rsync command from terminal is my the best way but not quite sure for the correct command.

Once data from both disks have been moved the plan is to format the reiserfs disks then use unbalance to spread the data. I have usershares that are set to highwater.

Also can this be done in background, or terminal using the webGUI as I am using VPN to connect to the network my unraid server is on.


The following link no longer works



So cant see the steps but is this the correct command?

rsync -avPX /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk5/

Disk1 to Disk5

Disk3 to Disk6


Or is there a better way of doing this? Ok so just reading

and maybe this is better command to

rsync -avPX --progress --remove-source-files /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk5/

I have no idea how long it will take but im hoping to have it start overnight... I have included a screenshot for reference just incase I have made any errors above.


Just looking for confirmation which command to use really and wheter I can do it from terminal window and turn this laptop off.


Screenshot 2018-10-25 00.01.32.png


Thanks in advance :)

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I would copy, not move. Two reasons. First, speed. Deleting files takes forever on ReiserFS, and it's compounded by thrashing the parity drive with competing writes to the destination disk. Second, verification. If you delete the source, you can't run a verify pass to make sure everything copied successfully.


These are the commands I used.

To copy

rsync -arv /mnt/disk(source)/ /mnt/disk(destination)

To verify

rsync -narcv /mnt/disk(source)/ /mnt/disk(destination)


I would typically pipe the output of the verify pass to a text file, that way I could easily see which if any files didn't verify properly.

Your commands also seem to be careless with the path slashes. That can result in the creation of a root folder with the name diskX on the destination drive, which becomes a user share. Extremely confusing if you have a user share named diskX that is actually on a different disk.

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4 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

I would copy, not move. Two reasons. First, speed. Deleting files takes forever on ReiserFS, and it's compounded by thrashing the parity drive with competing writes to the destination disk. Second, verification. If you delete the source, you can't run a verify pass to make sure everything copied successfully.


These are the commands I used.

To copy

rsync -arv /mnt/disk(source)/ /mnt/disk(destination)

To verify

rsync -narcv /mnt/disk(source)/ /mnt/disk(destination)


I would typically pipe the output of the verify pass to a text file, that way I could easily see which if any files didn't verify properly.

Your commands also seem to be careless with the path slashes. That can result in the creation of a root folder with the name diskX on the destination drive, which becomes a user share. Extremely confusing if you have a user share named diskX that is actually on a different disk.

Thanks for the quick reply, I am just going by the threads already posted, but agree copy and verify would be better way of going about it.


Do you know if I can start the copy in webterminal and close my browser?

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1 hour ago, bally12345 said:

I was planning to use unbalance after, didnt know this could be used to the same? Again just going on info from the sticky thread discussion.




With "unBalance" you select the source and when you can select the destinations make sure it's only 1 drive.


I used unBalance when I converted all of my 4TB drives from ReiserFS to XFS. I had an empty drive so I formatted it as XFS. Then selected drive 1 as source and new empty XFS drive as destination. Rinse and repeated as needed.

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With "unBalance" you select the source and when you can select the destinations make sure it's only 1 drive.
I used unBalance when I converted all of my 4TB drives from ReiserFS to XFS. I had an empty drive so I formatted it as XFS. Then selected drive 1 as source and new empty XFS drive as destination. Rinse and repeated as needed.
I did actually start running last night
 rsync -avPX /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk5/

But cancelled it thinking I could just continue using unbalance.

Checked disk5 it showing about 1.4tb data but I thought the data would move from disk1 but stats pluggin showing its still 98% full.

I was thinking just reformat disk5 and start fresh? I did run plan dry run but it said the disk didn't have enough space.

Or it possible to do move and replace unbalance?

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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unBalance showing flags for permissions errors so going to run DockerSafeNewPerms.


Will then move disk3 (RFS) to disk6 (XFS)


Format disk3 (RFS to XFS)


Move disk1 (RFS) to disk3 (XFS)


format disk1 (RFS to XFS)


Then use unbalance to scatter and balance out the data on the whole array.


Typing this out so I have a plan to stick to.

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All data migrated, validated, and old RFS disks now XFS.


@BRiT could I ask whats the best way to spread my data over all the drives as 4 drives are 90+% full...



Or should I leave it as it is and let unraid just do its thing. Ideally I would probably need to make sure thresholds are set correctly and hope unraid just moves stuff itself so im not full to the brim.


Any thoughts?


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That all depends on what the data is and what you're comfortable with.


I fill the majority of my drives as needed and hardly ever have changes (except on disk 1 that is always my work and change disk).  I kept around 400 gigs free on the drives so I can try to keep movie collections together for the late arrivals.


For myself, I have 1 drive that only contains the following high changes and smaller total size items: backups, projects (coding and other development stuff), music, pictures, documents, music, fitness workout videos, and finally some mma events.

Then drive number 2 begins my movie collection, it was populated by movies as they were collected by year, so all the oldest movies are on it.

Then drive number 3 continues on the movie collection, populated by movies as they were collected by year.

Then disk 4 was recently added and continues on the movies.


The next time I upgrade the disks, around 4 years of age or when the drive size doubles, I will consolidate the movies from disk 2 and 3 onto new disk 2, then movies from disk 4 and 5 onto new disk 3. At that time I will attempt to make sure movie collections are on the same disk, like all Marvel or Fast&Furious or StarWars movies are together.


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I've seen others split their movies equally across drives that were organized by Letter, so A through H on drive 1, then I through L on drive 2, then M through S on 3, then T through Z on the next.  As their replacement drives got larger, they adjusted the letter ranges to keep a natural split that worked for their pace of media collection so they would not run out of room on any particular drive before the others.


Some have split their movies by resolution, however they also replace the lower res with higher res as they get the time, so everything ended up as 1080p. Now they are in process of migrating to 4K UHD but older movies will never be upgraded, so then those disks remain static and will never change.


There are also many who dont care how its organized behind the scenes on actual physical disks and just let unraid write to wherever.


For you, think about what you'd like to use and would be comfortable with.

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