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Did I break my docker engine?


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I'm really new to unRAID, I have been using it for storage and now I plan to move my Plex/download setup from my gaming machine to my unRAID server.

I have been having various issues with all dockers I have tried so I start to think that I killed my docker engine or something...

On every download client that I tried, I am unable to download anything. Everytime I have writing issues:


  • Transmission: No space left on device (/downloads/XXXXX.mkv)
  • Deluge: Permission denied: /root/Downloads/XXXXXXX.mkv
  • Qbittorent: can't even access it, 401 error


Here is my mappings




I start to think that I have permission issues somewhere, I ran "Docker Safe New Perms" with no error, no error as well with "Fix Common Problems" cause I have 150Gb+ free.


I don't have anything on docker so I am ok to start from scratch here. Should I completely reset Docker ? (is it even possible without reinstalling unRAID?)

What can I do here? cause I'm stuck for 3 days now.


Thanks for your help !

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Ok So I found the issue with transmission, it was my maximum file size on unRAID that is set to 300gb and as I had only 100+Gb it would allow the file creation.

For Deluge, the linuxserver.io version didnt work for me, but the binhex is working properly.

Qbittorent stays a mystery, I am totally unable to use it with 401 error anyway.

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54 minutes ago, yendi said:

Ok So I found the issue with transmission, it was my maximum file size on unRAID that is set to 300gb and as I had only 100+Gb it would allow the file creation.

For Deluge, the linuxserver.io version didnt work for me, but the binhex is working properly.

Qbittorent stays a mystery, I am totally unable to use it with 401 error anyway.

This explanation isn't very clear and I suspect it may be incorrect. In particular, there isn't any setting for this:

54 minutes ago, yendi said:

maximum file size on unRAID



Please post diagnostics. Better to get these things fixed now instead of letting them get out of control.

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Please attach directly to your post instead of posting a link to some other site. They are much easier to work with. In fact, I don't even have access to your posted link.


Just attach your diagnostics to your next post.




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Your array disks are very full. You should consider adding storage. Other than that I'm not sure what your issue was, but some of your shares aren't configured properly.


Your system and domains shares aren't on cache where they belong. In fact I'm not sure what is even in your domains share since you don't seem to have VMs enabled.

  1. Disable Dockers and delete the docker image.
  2. Set system and domains shares to cache-prefer.
  3. Run Mover and let it complete.
  4. Enable Dockers and turn on log rotation.
  5. Reinstall your dockers using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page.
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Thanks @trurl!

So to answer your questions, I am waiting today 4*8TB HDD... Regarding VM, i have a Windows 10 VM but currently disabled as I am waiting for a i7 7700 aswell.

  1. If I delete my dockers image will it retain the configuration I have done yesterday? (I migrated my Plex, Sonarr and Radarr...)
  2. Ok, I will both set them to PREFER (currently YES)
  3. ok
  4. ok
  5. Same question as 1. 

Thanks for your help !

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@trurlall done! As you said it retained all variables of the apps, great!

Appdata should be PREFER or ONLY?

Should I check something else?

Last question, As I have not yet received my LSI card, could I plug a USB dock using "unsupported devices" and Preclean some of my new HDD (pointing a fan to it)?


Thanks !

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6 hours ago, yendi said:

could I plug a USB dock using "unsupported devices" and Preclean some of my new HDD (pointing a fan to it)?

Depends. Many USB interfaces don't provide SMART information for a disk and so can't give those useful diagnostics.


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