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Folder permissions in OSX

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Ever since upgrading to 6.7 I have encountered issues connecting to shares on one of my unRAID servers on my MAC. It used to be, prior to 6.7 I could connect to my unRAID server in Finder, go into a share, and be able to change file names. Now, I get a popup asking for a user name password, and no matter what I type in it is rejected. This is when the share set to public, so I change that to secure, or private, the registered users have full read/write, nope still doesn't work. Doesn't matter if I connect via SMB or AFP, I make the same changes to the shares in unRAID for both, doesn't work. I am on 10.14 no updates yet.

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I doubt if you really created the files yourself.  You (most likely) were using some program to create them.  What program did you use?  Where was that program being run (on the Unraid server or Windows, MAC, Linux)?  You mentioned a MAC-- are you using SMB?

Edited by Frank1940
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OK.  Now try to delete the files inside of the folders.  You may want to do this one-by-one (if there are not too many).  The reason for doing this is that if just one of the files inside of a folder can not be deleted then the folder itself can not be deleted.  One possible reason for this is that the user/group names (particularly group) does not contain your user name (in the case of Secure or Private share).  


EDIT:  A second possibly is that there is no write permission on the file for anyone.  

Edited by Frank1940
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The folder structure is like this:



Within Movies, I can create, rename and delete  a folder. So perhaps it has something to do with the dockers that are putting files there, namely SABNZB?

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I don't use downloaders myself but it seems not uncommon for people who do to have problems with the permissions or ownerships they are configured to use by default. You might find some information in the support thread for the particular docker that you're using.

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There is also a tool which will reset the owner, group and permissions on every file in the array.  You can find it this way.   


Tools  >>>    New Permissions 


You don't want to do this before you figure out what the problem is and what is causing it.  Otherwise, it be back in the future. 


CAUTION:  Be sure to read the instructions before you run this script!!!  You do not want to run it on the appdata share!  If you have a VM setup and it has a cache only share, you don't want to run it on that share.  Basically, you only want to run it on those shares that contains the data that you access. 

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